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COLEMAN 10 Ph.D. at Ohio State University in 1951 and going to teach at Florida A & M University. From 1953-58, Samella Sanders Lewis served as Chair of the Department of Art and built one of the largest departments (8 faculty members) of any of the Black colleges in the Deep South. She brought Howard Lewis, a graduate of Ohio State University, to teach in the department. After Samella Lewis left Florida A & M, Howard Lewis was named Chair and he was to continue to move the department forward well into the 1960's. Lev Mills, Kenneth Falana, Robert Martin, internationally known printmakers and graphic artists, are but three of the distinguished alumni of the Florida A & M University Art Department. In addition to extending the opportunity for young people to study art formally on a sustained basis, the Black college art departments produced works that reflected a sense of place. One of the first such instructional centers where the works assumed a specific stylistic character was at Atlanta University under Hale Woodruff. Woodruff, ably assisted by Nancy Elizabeth Prophet (1890-1960), offered a wide range of courses, from beginning courses for pre-college students through advanced graduate school courses. Woodruff insisted that his students represent nature faithfully. At that time in Black communities-- whether in the country or in the city-- it was not uncommon to encounter outhouses. Following Woodruff's admonition to render nature nature faithfully, these young artists included the ubiquitous outhouse in their cityscapes and landscape, and were soon labelled the "Outhouse School". Typical of the