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WAR DEPARTMENT, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, WASHINGTON CITY, 186 . Respectfully Get list of Clerks now on duty By order of Maj.-Gen HOWARD, Commissioner. Bvt. Capt. U.S.A., Aide-de-Camp. T. 20. O. O. H. Vol. 1, 1868 T 290 RF & AL, Vol 13, '68 Nashville Tenn. [[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]] Sept 19th., 1868. Thompson James Bvt Lt Col. U.S.A, In view of the anticipated reduction of the Bureau in Tenn., certain suggestions are made which, it is believed, will decrease the expenses thousands of dollars, purify the corrupt institutions and secure the desired result. File See SB Vol 5 Sept 29" 1868. [[stamp]] RECEIVED * PRIVATE * SEP 22 1868 [[/stamp]] WRAPPER ( Enclosures.)
Transcription Notes:
Not sure of letters at top of right page.