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#258 (R,.F.,&A.L. Vol 18,) 1871 New York March 31st, 1871. Simmons, Jas. B. Cor. Sec. A.B.H.M.S. Requests that the $3000 be forwarded to Rev. H.M. Tupper at Raleigh N.C. and states that New Orleans vouchers will be in soon. Expects to be in Philada. over the Sabbath. Letter sent today or telegram tomorrow before 10am to 530 Arch St. will reach him. Expects to return by midday train. [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]] file WRAPPER (1 Enclosures.) Received Bureau R.,F., & A.L., April 1st, 1871 WAR DEPARTMENT, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, WASHINGTON, ... 18 .