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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| Feby 15th 1869. #48. | Alvord J.W. Genl. Supt Schools Feby 15th Referred to Chas H Bliss. City Surveyor with request that a culvert may be constructed to carry off the water. | Washington Feby 15th 1869 Reports that the grading and filling of the streets on the square on which the Colfax Industrial School stands without any culverts for draining, has sent the water back upon that building, doing it serious injury &c &c 
Inquires whether the city authorities who did the grading should not give relief. |

| Feby 19th 1869. #49 | Alabama E. Beecher Col. See A 30. 4 encls Feby 19th Returned approved. | Montgomery Feby 15th 1869. Forwards vouchers of John H. Walker and W.J. Anderson for $50 each for services rendered as clerks from Jany 1 1869 to Jany 15th 1869. |

| Feby 19th, 1869. #50. | Am. Baptist Miss. Society J. B Simmons Secy Feby 19th Referred to J.W. Alvord Supt Schools for reply | New York. Feby 18, 1869. Requests additional aid for their society in school matters. |

| Feby 8th 1869. #51. * | Adjt. Genl's Office E.D. Townsend A.A.G. Filed See L.B. Vol 5 Feby 15 1869. | Washington Feby 6th 1869. Inquired whether Bt. Lieut. Col James Thompson Capt. 2nd Arty cannot without detriment to the interests of the service be relieved from duty in the Bureau and ordered to his regiment. |

| Feby 23 1869 #52. | Alabama Ed Beecher. Col Feby 23rd Returned with amended letter of revocation taking effect Jany 31 1869. | Montgomery Feby 19th 1869 Forwards letter of D.C. Rugg asking for pay for services rendered in Jany 1869. as Acting Agent of Huntsville. Ala, With remark, That he was not aware that Mr. Ruff was Act'g as Agent during January 1869. |

| Feby 18th 1869 #53. | Armstrong Mary E. File see P.L.B. Vol 6 Feby 18th 1869. | Elmira. N.Y. Feby 16th 1869 Writes relative to obtaining some 26 freed persons as servants for parties in Western N.Y. and other places. |

| Feby 26th 1869 #54. | Adjt. Genl's Office. E.D. Townsend AAG. 1 encl Feby 26 Refd. The services of this officer are not essential in this Bureau. | Washington Feby 20th 1869 Refers for remarks, letter of Capt J.S. Collin 45th Infty, enclosing Surgeon's certificates and applies for 6 months leave with permission to go beyond the seas. |

| Feby 27th 1869 #55 | Attorney Genl's Office T.L. Dickey Asst Adt Genl See A65. March 10th Returned to War Dept. with A65. Vol 14. March 31st Recd back with request for full report April 10th Returns to Genl. James A. Hardie. Inspector Genl with report called for enclosed. See L.B. Vol 6. March 11th 1869 | Washington. Feby 16th 1869. Enclosed petition of Saml W. Sarton in claim for pay as Capt and A.A. D.C. from the 20th of July 1866 to 16th July 1868. and 33⅓ per centum extra and additional pay from July 20th 1866 to July 1 1868. |