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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| April 12th 1869. #95 | Adjt. Genls Office E.D. Townsend. A.A. Genl. 1 enclo April 7th 1870 ret'd to Mr. OBrien. | Washington D.C. April 8th 1869. Returns request of Wm. O'Brien. to be enlisted in the General Service, or to be employed as a civilian and retain his present position of Mail Messenger at H.d. Qrs. Freedmens Bureau. with remark. Sees no objection to OBrien being employed as a civilian in the Bureau. but thinks the number of men from "General Service" should be kept down, &c. |

| April 12th 1869 #96. Am. Miss. Association C. H. Howard. Secy. see A 61. 4 enclo April 13th Referred to A.C. of La, May 12th Rec'd back with report E.B.p. 394. Vol 5. | Enclosed papers relating to New Orleans University States that on the strength of assurances by the Bureau, for an some $2,000, was raised in New England and prior towards a lot. that Genl Hatch gave verbal instructions for erection of a building, but since he left, everything stopped.  enclosed Specifications of the building to enable the Comr. to make the appropriation in due form.|

| April 13th 1869 # 97. | Alabama Edwin Beecher. Col. See H.3. S.6. A. 43. 2 enclo. April 14th Returned approved. | Montgomery April 9th 1869. Forwards letter of Henrietta R. Starkwether. Teacher. requesting an appropriation of $600. to assist in building a school building for the freedmen at Stevenson. Ala, remarking as it is not probable that the building can be completed by May 31st 1869. declines giving orders to proceed with the work without direct instructions. |

| April 13th 1869 #98. | Ash Harriett. See P61. W 81. 1 enclo April 13th Returned with letter from Col Palmer at Memphis, Tenn. attention invited to the endorsements herein. | Riverdale West Chester Co. N. Y. April 12th '69. Desires information of her daughter Josephine Collins. |  

| April 13th. 1869 #99. | Adjt. Genl's. Office Thos. M. Vincent A.A.G. Returned E.Bp. 375. Vol 5. | Washington April 12th.1869. Requests to be furnished with a copy of muster out roll of Genl. O.O. Howard. or order of discharge under which he vacated his commission as Colonel of the 3rd. Maine Vols. in Sept. 1861. to accept the appointment of Brig. General of Vols. |

| April 13th 1869 #100 | Am. Bapt. Home Mission. J.S. Backus. Secretary. 1 enclo April 13th Referred to C.Q.M. | New York. April 10th 1869 States that the Am. Bapt. Home Mission Society owns, (in fee simple) the land on J. Street, now occupied by the Wayland Seminary. that by no change of administration they maybe thrown out of the use of the building. they ask that it be given to them. and that a suitable building for boarding department may be furnished them &c. that it is presumed that the work of the A.B.M.S. and the N. Institute will be one after May 18th 1869. |

| April 16th 1869. #101. | Alabama Edwin Beecher. Col | Montgomery. April 12th 1869. Recommends that "Lightening Rods" be placed upon the school building in that city just completed. |