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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| April 14th 1869. #102 * | Adjt. Genls Office E.D. Townsend A.A.G. | Washington D.C. April 17th 1869.  States, in reply to letter of Bt. Col. J.W. Gelroy Capt. 45th Infty of 30th ulto. that the General of the Army directs him to say that Col Gilroy is permitted to join his regiment for consolidation, and that the Comdg, Genl of the Dept. will judge of his fitness for active service.  Filed. |

| April 15th 1869. #103. | Arkansas. C.A. Smith. Genl. | Little Rock April 7th 1869.  Submits roster of Officers and Agents &c on duty in that State April 1st 1869. Filed. |

| April 21' 1869  #104 | Alvord, J.W. Genl. Supt of Education 1 enclo | Washington April 20th 1869  Forwards letter of W.C. Brackett Agt Stover College. enclosing plates representing several lots of ground situated at Harpers Ferry W.V. which were donated by Congress to the Stover College & asks that the same be submitted to the Secy of War, as it shows just what the Trustees claim. April 21' Respectfully forwarded to Hon Gecy of War. |

| April 21st 1869 #105. * | Alvord J.W. Genl Supt of Ed. | Washington April 14th 1869  States that in obedience to verbal orders John H. Clrk entered upon the duties of Chief Clerk of the Educational Dept on the 22d ulto. Requests that he be appointed an Agent at #175. per mo. Apl. 21' Returned. Orders will soon be issued consolidating the Educational and Adjt. Genl Departments. | 

| April 21st 1869  #106. * | Alabama E. Beecher Col. | Montgomery April 17th 1869. Requests a few days leave of absence. Filed. See L.B. Vol 5. Apl 21st 1869. |

| April 20th 1869. #107 * | Alabama E. Beecher. Col. Telegram. | Montgomery April 20th 1869  Desires to retain as clerk W.J. Anderson.  Filed. |

| April 17th 1869. #108. * | Adjt Genl's Office E.D. Townsend. A.A.G. | Washington April 15th 1869. "States that the application for re enlistment in the General Service" of Wm Haffaran and H.N. Rothery has been disapproved by the General of the Army. Filed |

| April 21st 1869. #109 * | Alvord J.W. Genl. Supt of Education 1 enclo | Washington April 19th 1869. Forwards letter of Benj. J. Haight Chairman Ex. Com'tt. of Home Mission of Prot. Epis Church relative to schools in the South.  Hopes that the Genl Supt of Education will be able to come to some definite understanding with Genl Howard as to the sum or sums which that Association may expect from him. Enclosed rental a/c ($200.) for mos. of Nov. Dec 1868. and Jany 1869. &c &c.  Filed |

| April 16th 1869. #110 * | Alden B.G. | Dover. Tenn. April 7th 1869. Urges the continuation of the Education Dept and the present administration of the Bureau in Tenn. Filed. |