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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| April 24, 1869 #111 | Alvord J. W. Genl. Supt. of Education 2 enclos | Forwards request of W. B Armstrong that Rev J.P. Newman and Hon. A.J. Dunn solicit from this Bureau an appropriation of $2000 to erect schoolhouse on Home Plantation, the school will supply a large want for that district Endorsed by E.W. Mason Supt of Schools for La. recommending that $300 be appropriated for the erection of this building, With recommendation that if the funds permit that $300 be appropriated. Apl 24th Referred to A.C. of La. with authority to aid to the amount of $300 as recommended. |

| April 26th 1869. #112 | Alabama E. Beecher Col. April 27th Returned.  Expense incurred with orders from the Com'r or Asst. Com'r cannot be refunded. | Montgomery April 21st 1869. States that the Am. Miss. Association request that $600 paid by them in repairing the Bureau School building at Marion Ala. be returned to them.  Asks instructions in the premises. |

| April 24th 1869. #113 | Alvord J.W. Genl Supt of Education Filed | Washington April 24th 1869. Requests that a messenger be assigned to duty in his office, one being much needed. |

|  April 27th 1869. #114 | Alvord J.W. Returned to Col Beecher.  E.B. p 379, Vol 5. | Washington April 27th 1869.  Forwards letter of Col. E. Beecher A.C. of Ala. stating that he informed Mr. Ballard that the general business of the Bureau would be closed on May 31st and as the building could not be completed by that time, the work could not be done. Approves of the erection of a good school building at Florence, Ala. and asks instructions as to future course of action. With recommendation that if funds permit, an appropriation be made for the object herein states, approved by A.C. of Ala. The Presby Com't & Home Mission has received very little in appropriations, nothing for the state of Alabama. |

| April 28th 1869. #115. | Adjt. Genl's Office. E.D. Townsend A.A.G.  April 28th Transmitted to Major James McCleery  |  Washington April 26th 1869. In reply to letter of Maj. McCleery asking when the 14th Infty (with which the 115th is to be consolidated) will reach Louisville, Ky. from California.  States that that Office cannot undertake to notify all officers absent, and that he must keep himself advised in the best way he can. |

| April 29th 1869. #116. see A477, M33, D213, see A477, M33, Vol 3, A76. See L.B. Vol 5 Jany 5 1869. | Jackson Miss. April 23d 1869.  States that, in behalf of the Am. Miss. Ass. he has secured the property at Pergalos, for a Normal School; that $3000 will be required to repair the building that he has requested Genl Ames to have this repairing done, and has appointed Mr. Bardwell to supervise the work on the part of the Assn.   Requests that the amount paid by the A.M.A. for property at Holly Springs and Columbus- confederate property - be returned to the Association. |

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