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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 3d 1869. #117 | Armies of the U.S. W.T. Sherman. Genl. E.B p 384. Vol 5. May 18th Rec'd. back with report. E.B. p. 403. Vol 5. | Washington April 24" 1869 Returns letter of 21st inst. asking that $220. may be stopped from the pay of Bt. Capt. Lewis E. Granger 25th Infty. and sent to that Bureau, being the amount of bounty of colored men appropriated by him. With remark. If Genl Howard will prefer charges against this officer, with available witnesses than the officers pay can be stopped until he is tried. Is not willing to order pay stopped on an exparte statement. |

| May 1st 1869. #118. | Arkansas C.H. Smith. Genl. To Mr Alvord. | Little Rock April 20th 1869 Submits school report for the month of March 1869. |

| May 1st 1869 #119. * | Arkansas C.H. Smith Genl Filed. see LB Vol 5. May 1" 1869 to W.M. Colby. | Little Rock April 20th 1869 Recommend W.M. Colby for Supt. of schools in Ark. |

| May 5" 1869 #120. | Adjt Genl's Office Thos. M. Vincent A.A.G. 6 enclo May 7" Returned. E.B. p. 389. Vol 5. | Washington May 1" 1869. Refers comn. from Court of Claims, calling for full report of all evidence, in the case of J.W. Jordan and E. H. Ripley, late Bureau Officers, claiming back pay. &c. |

| May 5th 1869 #121. * | Armstrong J.B. Filed. see L.B. Vol 5. May 5th 1869. | Darlington Md. May 3d 1869. Speaks of the condition of the Freedmens school at that place, and states that after ten years labor in that place he desires now to go where he can be more useful and asks if General Howard can suggest any place where his services can be of value. |

| May 6th 1869. #122 | Am Miss Association Ed. P. Smith. Secy. 1 enclo May 7th Returned. If I understand the plan proposed I see no objection to it. | New York May 5th 1869. States that it will greatly facilitate their building work at Hampton both in time and economy if they are granted permission to contract for construction of Normal School on the basis of having the material brick, lime and lumber furnished by them and paid on vouchers of purchase. States that by this proceedure they can save $1,500. or $2,000. |

| May 6th 1869 #123. | Am. Miss. Association Geo. Whipple. Secy. May 8th Respectfully returned. Genl C.H. Howard will be retained as Inspector of Schools without pay after May 31st 1869. | New York May 5th 1869. Requests that they be allowed to retain Genl C.H. Howard as Inspector with pay from the Government, but if that cannot be done that he retain his official position without pay. |