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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 10" 69 #124 | Arkansas Wm M Colby Supt of Education May 10th Returned with appointment enclosed as requested to date June 1st 69 | Little Rock May 4" 69 Recommends that Mr J.G. Colby be continue as his clerk at $75. per month |

| May 11th 1869 #125 | Adjt Genl's. Office. E.D. Townsend A.A.G. see K61 May 11th Referred to A.C. of Ky. | Washington May 8th 1869. States that the detail of Bt Capt Levi F Burnett will be allowed in case his services are not needed with his regiment. |

| April 7th 1869 #126 * | Adjt. Genl's Office Saml Breck A.A.G. Filed. | Washington April 6th 1869. Returns letter of March 24th asking for three copies of Revised Army Regulations of 1863. With remark, that owing to the limited supply of Regulations; this request cannot be complied with. |

| May 3d 1869 #127 * | Arkansas C.H. Smith. Genl. Filed. see L.B Vol 5. May 3d 1869. | Little Rock April 27th 1869 Asks if Cir. #4. and Circular Letter of April 16th go into effect before May 31" deeming them based on Circular Letter of Apl 13th which has been changed by telegraph. |

| May 4th 1869 #127 * | Abbott J.C. U.S.S. Filed. | Washington D.C. May 3d 1869. Expresses his disappointment at the appointment of Mr Rice as Asst Supt. of Schools in N.C. |

| May 5th 1869. #128 * | Arnell Geo. M. Filed. | Wilmington N.C. April 30th 1869. Protests against the appointment of L.E. Rice as Supt of Education for North Carolina. |

| May 7th 1869. #129. * | Am. Miss. Association E.P. Smith. Agent. Filed. | New York May 6th 1869. Recommends the appointment of Col A. Rutherford as Supt. of Education of N.C. |

| May 11" 1869 #130 | Adjt. Genl's Office J.C. Kelton A.A.G. May 12th Returned. E.B p. 395. Vol 5. | Washington May 10th 1869. Refers letter from the Court of Claims requesting information relating to the case of Joseph M. Brown may be sent to his office, for copies of all orders and decisions issued from Freedmen's Bureau effecting the above claim. |

| May 3d 1869. #131 * | Attorney Genls Office W N Field. Actg. &c Filed. | Washington May 5th 1869. States suspension of sale, for one month, of the Macon Laboratory, was ordered the 30th ulto |