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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 13th 1869 #132. | Andrews O.T. May 18th Referred to J.W. Alvord. Genl Supt of Ed. for answer. | Cleveland. Tenn. May 10th 1869. Requests that the Bureau furnish his school with Charts, Maps, and Globe. States that they are much needed. |

| May 12th 1869 #133. * | Adjt Genl's Office E.D. Townsend. A.G. See L. 54 Filed copy furnished E.W. Mason Supt of Ed. of La. | Washington May 11" 1869. States that the application for the assignment of Capt. W.B. Brunton. to duty in the Bureau in La. was not favorably considered by the Genl of the Army. |

| May 13th 1869. #134. | Adjt Genl's Office T.M. Vincent. A.A.G. 1 enclo May 13th Returned E B p 396. Vol 5. | Washington May 10th 1869. Refers for report communication from the Court of Claims requesting all information in the War Dept relating to the case of James Johnson late Major 14th V.R.C. claim for pay. |

| May 14th 1869. #135 | Adjt. Genl's Office E.D. Townsend. A.G. 1 enclo May 15th Referred to Wm P. Drew Ch of Claim Div. | Washington May 12" 1869. Refers copy of comm. of G.W. Janes of Fayetteville, Tenn. to Q.M. Genl enclosing copy of newspaper slip, stating that a Mr Cloon claim agent tried to induce the County Clerk to sign and seal 60 or 80 Gov't. Claims to be filled at his (Cloons) pleasure, evidently an attempt at fraud.
States that this man has been purchasing bounty claims from negroes in that vicinity. |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 15" 1869 #136 | Armies of U.S. L.M Dayton. A.D.C. May 15 Returned. E.B. p. 400. Vol 5. | Washington May 14" 1869. Refers letter of E.D. Kennedy of Louisville Ky. Stating that Col Ben P Runkle, is a frequenter of gambling houses, and will forward affidavit to that effect soon. |

| May 15" 1869. #137 | Alabama E. Beecher Col. 1 enclo Filed. | Montgomery. May. - 1869. Submits roster of Civilians employed. May 1" 1869. |

| May 12" 1869 #138. * | Abbott Mrs. Sarah Filed, See P L B Vol 6. May 12" 1869. | Himrod. N.Y. May 10th 1869. Requests an appointment as teacher of freedmen's school in some one of the Southern states. |

| May 17th 1869 #139. | Alvord J.W. Genl. Supt. of Education May 17th Returned to J.W. Alvord Genl Supt. Education with orders enclosed as requested. | Washington May 15th 1869. Forwards letter of Wm M. Colby. Supt. of Ed. for Ark. stating that he desires to make two trips, one to Clarksville, and the other to Monroe, Jackson and Independence Counties, and requests orders for the same. Recommended. |

| May 17th 1869 #140 | Am Bapt. Home Missn J.S. Backus. Secy. 1 enclo May 17" Referred to J.W. Alvord Gen'l. Supt of Ed. | New York. May 15th 1869 Encloses bill ($25.00) for rent of rooms for freedmen's Schools in Richmond. Va for April 1869. |