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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| May 14th 1869 #141. | Arkansas C.H Smith. Genl. Filed. | Little Rock May 4th 1869. Submits roster of Officers on duty May 1st 1869. |   

| May 20th 1869. #142. * | Arkansas C.H Smith. Genl. May 20th Returned EBp 406. Vol 5. Recd back and filed. Oct 31/74. W.G.P. | Little Rock May 8th 1869 acknowledges receipt of War Dept orders releiving him from duty as A.C. States that D.C. Casey, E.G. Barker Agents and C.J. Holt clerk should be discharged, and recommends that the records of the Bureau in Ark, be left with Col Page for reference |

| May 20th 1869. #143. | Adjt. Genl's Office Thos. M. Vincent A.A.G. May 20th Returned Lieut. H.P. Willis was killed at Rocky Comfort, Ark.. Oct 24th 1868 by persons unknown.| Washington May 18th 1869. Refers letter of Lieut. L. J. Whiting in Inft. requesting address of Lieut Willis.late of V.R.C.|

| May 26th, 1869 #144 | Am. Miss. Association Chas H. Howard. Secy. See J. 10. May 28th Returned to C.H. Howard. Secy A.M.A. The Inspector's Department is already defficiently large| Chicago, Ill. May 25th 1869 States that they will undertake to supply teachers to Chickisaw freedmen on condition that they receive $10. per month or allowed in other portions of the south.  Requests that Prior Foster, (col'd) be appointed an Agent to make a tour of inspection through the south.| 


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| May 31st, 1869 #145.| Am. Miss. Association C.H. Howard. Secy. See M 245. P 116. Returned. E.B. p. 420 Vol 5.| Forwards letter of H.R. Pease. supt of Schools. Miss, in reference to the Peralog purchase, and states that he has not been officially authorized to contract for the work. Requests that Capt. Pease received such authority as was given Genl Arner in regard to this property.|

| June 2d, 1869 #146. | Am. Miss. Association C.H. Howard. Secy. See [[?A 76. 116. June 3rd Returned. EBp421. Vol 5.| Chicago Ills. May 31st 1869. States that no orders have been received to refund the $750 at Columbus and Holly Springs Miss. Asks to have the order sent.|

| June 4th, 1869. #147 | Adjt. Genl's Office E.D. Townsend. Adjt. Genl. 4 enclo| Washington June 2nd 1869. Refers letter of H.N. Rotheny calling attention to a former letter, aand asks a decision as to his status under Special Orders No 5 61 & 74. A.G.O. C.O. copies enclosed, to enable him to receive his pay on the 30th inst. with copy of letter of Apl. 15th 1869. Stating that the Genl of the Armies decides that it is not deemed consistent with interests of the service to have any more men added to the Genl Service|