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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- | 

|Jany 13th 1869 # 1.| Bennett A.J. Asst. Secy. Texas Con. Convention, 1 enclo Jany 14th Returned. There is no vacancy known to exist in this Bureau in Texas or elsewhere.| Austin. Texas. Dec 21st 1868. Forwards petition signed by President and other members of the Convention asking for the appointment of G.T. Ruby, as Asst Supt of Education for that state. Letter of Ruby expressing his willingness to accept such an appointment enclosed. |

| Jany 24th 1869 # 2* | Bennett. A.J. Asst. Secy. Texas Con. Convention 2 enclo See L.B. vol 5. Jany 4th 1869. File.| Forwards a protest signed by the President and other members of the Convention against the retention of Wm. H. Sinclair and E. Bartholomew in the Educational Department of the Bureau.  Agrees with the representations made by these persons that these men are totally unqualified for their positions. |

| Jany 13th 1869 #3. | Bigsby Charles L. 2 enclo Jany 15th Returned to E.B.P 268. Vol 5. | Elgin. Kane Co Ills Jany 11th 1869. Is informed that John W. Hartley who subsequent to the election in Miss. in 1867. was a Bureau Agent at Liberty.  Amite Co. Miss, has received appropriate to his own use, the money due him for services and expenses of transportation while acting as clerk for 5 days to Board of Commissioners in Amite Co. Miss in 1867. Has written Service to Hartley and also to Genl Gillem but received no answer. Asks if there is any redress. |

| Jany 20th 1869. #4. | Baynes James See B 131 | Jany 20th. Referred to Maj Swaim E.B.p. 275. Vol 5, March 3rd. Rec'd back with report. E.B.p. 320 Vol 5.| In behalf of trustees of "Soldiers Orphans Shelter." requests transfer to them of Gov.t. property now in their possession. |

| Jany 21st 1869. #5. | Beard James care of Ed Muller co Franklin Piker B. 156. Jany 22nd. forwarded to Adjt. Genl USA to furnish the information requested if consistent with the rules of the War Dept. Jnay 30th Rec'd back with report E.B.p 284. Vol 5. | Nashville Tenn Jany 16th 1869. Desires to obtain information concerning his son John Beard, who enlisted in a cold regiment at Clifton. Ala. what regiment he has been unable to ascertain. States that he died while in the service, &c. |

| Jany 26th 1869 #6. * | Balloch Geo. W. Genl and C.D.O. Jany 26th Returned to Genl. Geo W Balloch with authority to pay Mr. Papindrick $100. for the month of Jany 1869. Rec'd back. Aug 8/74. W.G.P. | Washington D.C. Jany 20th 1869.Requests that appointment of Mr. Papendrick D.C. at Nashville be combined until Jany 31st 1869. and that he be paid $100. for services during that month, he having necessarily been delayed in Settling his according, &c. |

| Jany 28th 1869. #7. * | Bryan H. J. File. See P.L.B Vol 6 Jany 28th 1869. | Atlanta. Ga. Jany 20th 1869. Desires an appointment in Freedmen's Bureau in Virginia. Mis. or Texas. |