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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| April 12th 1869. #43. * | Balloch Geo. W. Genl and C.D.O. Filed Appt. see L.B. Vol 5 April 12th 1869. | Washington April 8th 1869. Requests the appointment of S.E. Bickford as Agent for the payment of bounties at Hampton Va. without salary, in place of S.C. Armstrong. |

| April 26th 1869. #44. * | Buckley D.H. Chief Clerk for A.C. of La. 1 encl  Filed | New Orleans La.  April 20 1869.  Requests to be appointed in addition to present duties, an Agent to prepare claims for freedmen.  States that he has been connected with the Bureau in La. since its organization, and that he is conversant with the claim business, of which he is now in charge, encloses copy of recommendation from Genl. E. Hatch.  |

| April 26th 1869. #45. * | Buckley D.H. Ch. Clerk of La. 1 encl Filed  | New Orleans La. April 21st 1869. States that Mr W.A. Whipple has been appointed in the Customs Department and requests that he be appointed in his stead.  Makes statement of duration and nature of services performed by him. |

| April 25th 1869. #46. | Bascom W.F. Secy Howard University 1 encl Apl 29th Referred to C.Q.M. | Washington April 27th 1869. Requests that Lightning Rods be placed on the Howard University Building to ensure safty Encloses a bid for the same by Chas Anderson and Co. Washington D.C.  |

| May 25 1869. #47. | Boyd, Francis A. 1 encl see B 17 May 4th Returned attention invited to former papers this case returned Apl 26th 1869.  |  Louisville Ky. April 29th 1869. Submits testimony from Col J.C. Catlin showing that he taught school one month at New Castle, also shows how the check was paid to Miss Cora A. White, and that the same was due him.  |

|  May 24th 1869. #48. | Balloch Geo. W. Genl. and C.D.O. May 4th Referred to Col Bernard with revocation of appointment of W.A. Whipple enclosed. The revocation of Mr Broussard appointment may be returned to the office. | Washington D.C. May 4th 1869. Requests that Mr. A. Broussard be appointed clerk to Col. E.C. Beman. Bounty Agent New Orleans La. at a salary of $100 per month vice W.A. Whipple resigned. |

| May 4th 1869. #49. | Brown J.M. D.O. &c see Q10 May 24th forwarded to Qr. Mr. Genl. U.S.A. with request that the within specific means of transportation be transferred to this Bureau at a price fixed by appraisal. | Washington D.C. May 3d 1869. Requests authority to purchase from Q.M. Dept. the following "means of transportation" required for Bureau service, 14 horses, 6 Riding Bridles, 6 Riding Saddles, 1 Ambulance, 2 wagons, 4 sets of Harnesses. |

|  May 3d 1869. #50. * | Butler B.F. Hon. see B 55. | Lowell, Mass. May 1st 1869. Acknowledges receipt of list of disabled soldiers in Hospital in D.C. and requests further report as soon as convenient. |