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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 11th 1869. #51. | Brasher John J. County Supt of Schools. 1 enclo See P.L.B. Vol 6. May 12th 1869. May 12th Referred to Col Beecher Supt of Ed of Ala. | Gadsden Ala. May 6th 1869. Writes in reference to schools in that County and states that the aid afforded is inadequate for the necessity - and that more schools should be organized. |

| May 5th 1869 #52. * | Balloch Geo W. Genl and C.D.O. See D 18. Filed. | Washington May 1st 1869. Makes report upon the propriety of consolidation of the Claim Division and Quartermasters Dept. of this Bureau with his Office. |

| May 7th 1869 #53. | Buckley D.H. late Ch. Clerk La. 1 enclo May 18th Returned disapproved. Accounts for traveling expenses must be forwarded after the journey June 1st Recd back. E.B.p. 418. Vol 5. | New Orleans May 12th 1869. Requests that the revocation of his appointment be changed so as to give him a months leave from June 1st 1869. States that he has served in the Bureau nearly four years and has not received a single day's leave. Also requests actual cost of transpt. from New Orleans to Brooklyn N.Y. |

| May 25 1869. #54 | Buckley. D.H. Ch. Clerk May 20th Returned with the information that all vouchers for pay due after May 1st 1869 must be forwarded to C.D.O. Genl. Balloch thro' this office | New Orleans May 13th 1869. Asks to be informed how the clerks on duty there are to receive their pay for month of May 1869. |

| May 22d 1869 #55. * | Butler Benj. F. Hon. See B 50. G 58. Copies of report Filed. May 22d Referred to C.M.O. for report. June 5th Recd. back with reports (Copies of reports filed) E.B. p 423. Vol 5. | Lowell. Mass. May 21st 1869. Requests information as to the number of disabled volunteer soldiers, now under charge of the Freedmen's Bureau, who will need this relief of the National Asylum during the year. |

| May 22d 1869 #56. | Brown J.M. Bt Major, and D.O. May 22d Referred to C.Q.M. for remarks. May 27th Rec'd. back with report. EBp 412. Vol 5. May 25th Rec'd. back with report E.B.p 414 Vol 5. | Washington May 22d 1869.  Requests that in the transfer of all buildings, for which he is responsible, by the Comr., he be furnished with one original copy of the transfer to file with this property accounts at the Treasury Dept | 

| May 27th 1869 #57. | Balloch Geo W. Genl & C.D.O. May 27th Returned to Col Gelroy D.O. (thro office C.D.O.) The recommendation of Genl Balloch is approved. | Washington May 25th 1869. Forwards recommended, requests Col. Gelroy for permission to retain his clerk, F.H. Roll, during the month of June, as it will be impossible for him to settle the affairs of his office by the 31st instant. With remark. Does not wish to change any rule the Comr. may have adopted, asks the time when Disbursing Officers were exspect to close their accounts and discharge their clerks. |

| May 28th 1869. #58. | Brown Mrs E.J. E.B.p 416. Vol 5. | Worcester Mass. May 27/69 States that she is trying to establish an Industrial School, and can furnish with steady employment and pay all freed persons sent to her. Will guarrantee that no expense shall be incurred after their arrival in Worcester. |