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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 3d 1869 #39. | Chipman and Hosmer & Co. Attorneys & Claim Agts. 3 enclo. E.Bp 384. Vol 5. May 14th Recd back with report. EBp 397. Vol 5. | Washington May 1st 1869. Submits two papers (affidavit & list) relative to certain discrepancies on a/c of Capt. W. F. White. States that 3d Auditor is prepared to close the a/c on the affidavit being endorsed satisfactory by the Com'r, otherwise he will be obliged to ask for more evidence. |

| May 3d 1869. #40. | Chase C.P. Supt of Ed in Fla. | Tallahassee, Fla April 27th 1869. Hopes the Com'r. will continue the present Asst Com'r. of Fla with power to build school houses where needed. &c &c and desires to know the Comr's plan for Florida. |

| April 28th 1869  #41. * | Camper W.C. Filed. see PLB Vol 6 Apl 28th 1869. | Cambridge Md. April 20th 1869. Requests information of Wm Camper, a colored man. |

| May 12th 1869 #42. * | Carley Michael and others. Filed | Wilmington N.C. May 1869. Petitions that Genl Rutherford be appointed Supt of Ed for that state. | 

| May 7th 1869. #43. * | Chaplain J Telegram Filed. | New Orleans La  May 6th 1869. States that Supt Mason is out of town and the Bureau building is unsuitable. |

| May 17th 1869 #44. | Cade C.G. M.D. May 18th To C.M.O. | Jackson Miss. May 13th 1869. States that he performs the services of A A Surgeon in charge of freedmen at that place from May 28th 1868. I Sept 3 1868 for which Dr. O. A. Crandall claims pay aim that he had made oath that he performs the services mentioned. Submits if he Dr Cade is not entitled for the pay. |

| May 31st 1869. #45. | Cheney Ednah D. Secy Comsn Techr's N.E.B.F.U. Com 1 enclo See W 119. S 59. C 47. F 77. S. 59. 160. B 60 W 49. Enclosed herewith. May 24th Referred to Maj. Neide. Supt of Schools for S.C. | Camden S.C. May 10th 1869. States that she has learns with surprise of the proposed erection by the Bureau of a new school building at Camden S.C. to be placed under control of a Methodist Society. She protests against this, as it will embarrass the operations of the school already established there which affords ample accommodations for the pupils of the placed and there are numerous other localities in which school houses and needed to a much greater extent. |

Transcription Notes:
NEBFU New England Branch of Freedmens Union Commission Only had time to finish reviewing 1st page. Please read word for word -- found lots of discrepancies. Thanks! -- Beth