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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 19th 1869 #54 | Commissioner of Schools South Carolina June 21st referred to Maj H. Neide Supt of Ed S.C. Augt. 5th - E.B. Vol 5 p. 480. | Beaufort S.C. June 16th 69 Recommends that the Bureau expend $1000.00 for repairs on "School Board Buildings" at Beaufort |

| June 15th 1869 #55 * | Core John | Baltimore Md June 15th 69 Makes inquiry when Mr Janney can see General Howard in his office | 

| June 21st 69 #56 | Crocker L For Teachers Committee E.B. 445 Vol 5. June 22nd Referred to R. M. Manly Supt of Ed for remarks | Boston Mass. June 18th 69 Writes relative to the construction of a school house at Charlottesville Va States that they wrote Mr Manly the teacher and Mr Able one of the Trustees expressing the hope that the $600.00 promised by the Commissioner and $600.00 more added by subscription would be sufficient but learn from Mr Manly that it will not be and ask the balance be appropriated by the Bureau | 

| June 22nd, 69 #57 | C.E. Compton Supt. of Ed. June 23rd Returned. Approved. | Nashville June 3rd 1869 Forwards comn of Orville T. Andrews Cleveland Tenn. stating that the school building constructed at that place by and of an appropriation of $350.00 from the Govt is not large enough and requests $150.00 more to fix up the basement for use of the Primary Dept. with recommendation That $150.00 be expended for said and fix up the school house, that the greater portion of the labor will be performed gratuitously by the colored people |

| June 29th, 69, #58 * | Coats Andrew, Against, Filed | Newbern N.C. June 25th, 69 Acknowledges receipt of SO. 90 Par 2 and states that he will leave Newbern on the 28th inst |

| July 1st 69, #59 | Collins B.H., Clerk Claim Division, Bureau RF&AL July 1st, Referred to H.M. Whittelsey C.Q.M. July 2nd Recd back EB 446 Vol 5 | Washington D.C June 29th, 69 Asks reimbursement at Bureau Rates for transportation from New Orleans, La to Philadelphia, Pa. under provision of Circular Letter dated August 10th, 1868. States that his appointment was revoked 10 days prior to the issuing of said letter and that no leave of absence or transportation was granted him. |

| July 3rd, 69 #60 * | Clark Jno B Secy of the Board, File. July 6th, Referred to J.W. Alvord for remarks. | Alleghaney City, Pa June 30th 69 States that at the General Assembly of United Presbyterian Church at its late meeting in Monmouth Ill directed its board of Mission to establish a first class Normal School in the South. Requested the assistance of the Bureau and requests from the Cmnor some suggestions as to a suitable point. |