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[[3 Columned  Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 4th 1869. #1. | Damenee. M. Bishop of Pittsburg. 1 enclo Jany 6th Returned. It is not too late to settle any bills due last year. | Pittsburg. Pa Jany 1" 1869. Desires to be informed if it will be too late, should he visit Washington sometime this month to receive from the Bureau the amount due for year 1868 on account of buildings put up for school for freedmen in Pittsburg. |

| Jany 7th 1869 #2 | Drew W.P. Agent &c Jany 7th Referred to A.C. of S.C. | Washington Dec 28th 1868. Recommends that Lt. W.H. Danilson 40th Infty. be retained in charge of Claims at Charleston, S.C. |

| Jany 8th 1869 #3. | District 1st Military Geo Stoneman, Maj Genl Comdg. Jany 9th. Forwarded one special attention invited by recommendation of Genl's Stoneman & Brown. | Richmond. Jany 7th 1869. Forwards recommended application of Capt Garrick Mallery 43rd Infty. Bt. Maj. U.S.A. for an appointment to one of the vacancies created by the passage of the bill now before Congress, in Corps of Judge Advocates. Favorably endorsed by Gen'l O. Brown, Asst. Comr. for state of Va. |

| Jany 14th 1869. #4 * | Dalzell James M. late private 116th Ohio Vols. File | Caldwell, Ohio Jany 9th 1869. Complains that soldiers of talent and culture, are placed in positions at low salaries while civilians obtain the rich places. Asks if some good man will not reveal this fact to the country and cause reform to be made, and justice done to the soldier, &c |


[[3 Columned  Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

|Jany 16th 1869. #5 * | District 5th Military. E.P.S. Canby, Maj. Genl. File | Austin, Texas. Jany 1st, 1869. Is willing to discharge any duty that may be assigned to him, but unless Genl Reynolds is required elsewhere, thinks that it would be to the interest of the Govt. that he be continued on duty in that Department until the Bureau affairs are closed. |

| Jany 29th 1869. #6 * | Dillion Richard late Capt. V.R.C. &c From Secy of War for report see D7.8. F/w D7 Jany 29th Referred to A.C. of A.C. for report. Feby 3rd Rec'd back with report. E.B. p291. Vol2. Feby 9th Rec'd back Filed with D7. vol 14.69. | Washington D.C. Jany 22nd 1869. Asks for the revocation of the order discharging him as an Officer or Agent of the Freedmen's Bureau in State of N.C. Favorably endorsed by Congressional Delegation from N.C. asking that Maj Dillion may be restored to duty. |

| Feby 8th 1869. #7 * | Dockery O. H. Hon. Form Secy of War. 1 enclo See D 6. 8. Filed herewith D6. Vol 14.69. | Washington, Feby 3rd, 1869. Urges the re-appointment of Capt. Richard Dillon as an Officer of this Bureau. |

| Feby 11th 1869. #8. * | Dillion Richard late Capt. V.R.C. From Secy of War. See D 6.7. Feby 13th Returned to Secy of War. Copies of the papers requested have been furnished Capt Dillon in person. Feby 19th Recd. back. File. | Washington Feby 8th 1869. Requests certified copies of his application for revocation of the order for his discharge as an officer of this Bureau with accompanying papers & endorsements |