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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 27th 1869 #18. | Drew Wm P. Agent in charge Claim Div. see B 52. E.B.p. 311 Vol 5. | Washington April 27th 1869. Requested that order discharging eight clerks and two messengers so to be found be modified so as to retain five of the clerks. |

| April 27th 1869 #19. * | Dickey John M. for Com. of Trustees Lincoln University 1 enclo. Filed. see L.B. Vol 5. Apl 30th 1869. | Oxford Pa. April 26th 1869. Asks if they can draw the money Genl Howard appropriated after July 1st 1869. as the contractor is bound to complete the building before Dec 31st 1869. Also if they may not draw on Com'r for labor in building the same as formerly, as that will make up a good part of the expense. also that if Com'r waive his delicate scruples lest he should give to much. | 

|  April 30th 1869.  #20.  |  Deane Clara H.  1 encl.  April 30th Referred to R.W. Mabaly Supt of Ed state of Va for his action.  |  Farmville Va  April 28" 1869.  States that there is a colored family occupying the basement of a barrack used for teachers quarters and stated that their bad character and filth neccesitate their removal &c.  |

| April 26th 1869.  #21 |  Dockery O.A. Hon.  Filed  |  Wilmington N.C.  April 22d 1869.  Urges the appointment of Mr Rice as Supt of Ed in N.C.  |

|  April 24th 1869.  #22.  |  Dockery O.H. Hon.  Telegram.  Filed  |  Wilmington N.C. April 24th 1869.  Insists on the appointment of Rice as Supt. of Ed, in N.C.  |

|  May 1st 1869.  #23  |  Dupee G.W. Revd  see K75.  1 encl  From Secy of War.  see LB.Vol 5, May 1" 69.  E.B. p 353 vol 5, E.B. vol 5 p 490, E.B.vol 5 p 492  E.B. vol 5.  p508.  |     Paducah Ky April 24" 1869.  Requests that the colored people may be put in possession of the school house and lot.  |

|  April 29" 1869.  #24  |  Douglass E.W. Miss.  see P.L.B. vol 6, Apl 29" 1869.  April 29" Referred to A.C. of Tenn for report.  |  Union Hill Lebanon Tenn  April 23d 1869.  States that she was commissioned by the Bureau as teacher, and taught school since Jan'y 1868, and thro' the negligence of someone she has received no pay from July 1" 1868 to Nov 1" 1868.  Desires to know if there is any way by which she can obtain that which is justly due her.  |

|  May 3d 1869.  #25  |  Drummond T.M.  see P.L.B vol 6, May 2d 1869.  May 3d. Referred to Col Gile, who will furnish the information desired.  |  Warrenton Fla.  April 24" 1869.  Asks the name and residence of the Agent of the Bureau in that State: also requests information of the nature and extent of Bureau aid furnished schools &c &c.  |