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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 7th #26 | Drew Wm P. Agent Claim Div. see D 42 May 10th 1869 Forwarded to the Hon Secy of War approved if Lt Danielson can be spared. May 19th Recd EBp 405 Vol 5. | Washington May 6th 1869. Requests detail of Lieut. W. H Danielson 40th Infty for duty in claim (prosecution) branch to be stationed at Charleston, Recommended by Genl Balloch, provided no additional expense be incurred. |

| May 10th 1869 #27 | District 4th Military A. Ames Commanding May 17th 1869. To Dr Reyburn C.M.O. | Jackson Miss. May 4th 69 Acknowledges receipt of comn of 29th ulto in reference to discontinuing Freedmans Hospital at Vicksburg and states that as he has been relieved from duty as Asst Commr he will be unable to carry out the instructions therein contained. Encloses copy of instructions of Dr Luhring in charge of Hospital |

|  May 10" 1869.  #28  |  Day James  Alderman  May 11" Returned E.B.p392 Vol 5.  |  Philadelphia Pa.  May 4" 1869.  States that Isabella Washington was bound to Jane Gilfellon of Phila on 8th of April 1864 by D.P. Nichols of the Bureau.  States that the indenture reads that she is bound until she is 21 years of age. that the laws of Penna sets her free at 18, and asks if there are regulations of the Bureau requiring her to serve after that age |

|  May 4th 1869.  #29  |  Douglass B.P.  303 F. Street  1 enclo  Filed see P.L.B. vol 6 May 4th 1869.  |  Washington May 1" 1869.  Asks to be appointed a teacher states that he has been teaching at upper Marlboro  |

|  1869  #30 |  Davis Madison Actg. Ch. Clerk Cong. Printer  Filed  |  WAshington D.C. May 1" 1869.  Inquires what amount of money has been expended by the War Dept. for copper plate and lithographic printing during the past year, and the prices (in detail) paid for the different kinds of such work.  |

|  May 21" 1869.  #31  |  Dockery O.H. Hon.  To Mr Barber, May 24" Recd back Filed See L.B. Vol 5 may 24" 1869.  |  Mangum. May 8th 1869.  Encloses names of 5 young colored men who desire to  enter Howard University but have only money enough to take them to Washington.  Hopes they will be received.  |

|  May 21 1869.  #32  |  Dockery O.H. HOn. Filed  |  Mangum.  May 13th 1869.  Thanks Genl. Howard for appointing Mr Rice as Supt  of Schols.  Speaks highly of Mr R's character and qualification for the position.  |