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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

|  May 24" 1869.  #33  |  Drew William P.  Chief Claim Division  Appt made to date July 1" 1869.  May 24" Referred to Genl Balloch C.D.O. for remarks   June 10" Recd back with report E.P. p 426 Vol 5.  |  Washington  May 19th 1869.  Submits the name of ten(10) of his clerks, and requests their promotion.  States that this request is made with a view to the better organization of the force, and in recognition of the very efficient and faithful services of the gentlemen named.  |

|  May 26" 1869.  #34  |  Davis Jacob R.  1 encl  May 27" Respectfully forwarded to Secy of War.  I know Mr Jacob R Davis to be a reliable man and am confident that his representations are correct  |  Augusta Ga.  May 21st 1869.  Encloses statement of Samuel Smith in regard to the cruel treatment of those confined and serving in the "Chain Gang", Asks Genl Howard to appeal to the President and if possible procure an order prohibiting such treatment.  |

|  May 31" 1869.  #35  |  Dickey Jno. W. For Trustees of Lincoln University  4 enclo  June 1" Referred to C.D.O.  |  Oxford Pa  May 27th 1869.  Encloses bills of contractors Flint and Worth for addition to  the Presidents house at Lincoln University.  The expense incurred in putting up a new house for the President leaves them presssed for means.  Trustees hope to see Genl Howard at the Commencement June 16th as the road now open to Baltimore makes their place more easy of access  |

|  June 1" 1869.  #36  |  Davis J.R.  June 2d Returned.  This Bureau has no facilities for executing such work.  It is recommended to Mr D. to correspond with Northern men, or advertise.  |  Augusta Ga. May 28" 1869.  States that there are a large number of boys in Augusta, from 13 years of age and upwards, who make their living in daily drugery.  Suggests that arrangements be made with Northern Mechanics to receive such as would come well recommended and have them bound to a trade, until they are of age.  Will attend to selecting the boys.  |

|   June 2d 1869.  #37  |  Douglass W.  Dept Com'r Int. Rev.  2 enclo   see L.B. Vol 5 June 2d 1869.  June 3d Referred to Mr Manly Supt of Ed of Va to ascertain the facts if practicable. |  Washington D.C. June 1" 1869.  Encloses letters of Warren Cowles, of Corey Pa  stating that one John Fox of Fauquier Co. Va died in 1859.  and by will emancipated all of this slaves, 300 in number and directed that they be taken to Ohio and land purchases for them.  Desired to know if the will is being executed or set aside.  |

|  May 25" 1869.  #38  |  Dickerson Jas Secy of Ind. Yearly Meeting of Friends  Filed  |  Richmond Ind.  May 22s 1869.  Acknowledges receipt of letter of 19th giving decision of Q.M. Genl. in regard to buildings at Lauderdale.  |