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[[3 Columned  Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 7th 1869 #10. * | Florida Geo. W. Gile Col. Telegram File See L.B. Vol 5. Jany 7th 1869. | Jacksonville Jany 7th 1869. U.S. Dist. Court is drawing his clerks as jurors, business of his office stopped. Can the matter be remedied ? | 

| Jany 21st 1869 #11. | French W. H. Major Genl See A 45. 3 enclo Jany 21st To Mr. Drew. Feby 11th Recd back | Washington D.C. Jany 20th 1869. At the request of Mrs. French, encloses a telegram and note received from her sister Mrs. Annie D. Reeves, which bear directly upon the subject brought to notice of Comr. a few days since and for which he ordered a settlement. and enclosed in A 45. vol 14. |

| Jany 23 1869 #12. | Florida C. H. Foster, D.O. 3 enclo Jany 23d Forwarded to Secy of War. | Jacksonville Jany 19th 1869. Forwards for approval of the Secy of War account of E. M. Cheney for $21.20 for printing |

| Jany 29th 1869 #13 | Florida, Geo. W. Gile, Col. Jany 29" Returned with appointment and revocation enclosed as requested, with bond to be signed for J. H. Dinker and return to this office. | Jacksonville Jany 20th 1869. Recommends that the appointment of C. H. Foster as Disbursing Officer be revoked and that J. H. Durkee now Asst. Supt of Schools be appointed for reasons stated. |

| Feby 3d 1869 #14 * | Florida Geo. W. Gile, Col. 1 enclo | Jacksonville Jany 29th 1869. Reports that he had forwarded to Com'r. by express one box containing all books and records pertaining to Bureau R. F. & A. L. in that State, except those relative to Educational & Claim Depts. |

| Feby 5th 1869 #15. | Friends Freedmans Ass'n. Edward Tatum Secy. Feby 6 Returned. the Com'r doesn't deem it advisable to appoint any additional Agents. | New York Feby 3rd. 1869. Requests that Samuel H. Jones their Agent, at Richmond, Va. be appointed Inspector of Schools. |

| Feby 4th. 1869 #16. | Freedmen's Aid Society R.S. Rust. Secy. P. 52 R 23. 1 enclo Feby 6th Referred to A.C. of Miss. for remarks, Feby 23rd. Rec'd back with report. E.Bp 314. Vol 5. | Cincinnati, Ohio. Feby 2nd 1869. Reports Government buildings at Lauderdale as being in a very bad condition and not adapted to school purposes.  That is the Government would appropriated $1000. for construction of a building in connection with the barracks and other buildings. a Normal school for Miss. could be established. as that Society would purchase the land of the quakers, and would sustain such a school.  Encloses letter from Rev. A.C. McDonald. recommending Holly Springs as the best location for a normal school, and inquiries if Bureau would aid them in purchase of property at that place. should it be deemed the best to action for the school. |

| Feby 6th 1869. # 17. | Florida Geo. W. Gile. Col. 5 enclo Feby 6th. Referred to C.M.O. for examination. Feby 15th. Rec'd back with report. EBp 306. Vol 5. | Jacksonville, Feby 2nd 1869. Forwards medical account of Dr. J.E.A. Davidson for services rendered to U.S. Troops, amounting to $128.50 |