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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 6th 1869. #18 | Florida Geo. W. Gile. Col. 2 enclo Feby 6th Returned approved. | Jacksonville Feby 2d 1869. Forwards for the approval of the Com'r vouchers for $33.00 for actual expenses of journey from Jacksonville to Tallahassee Fla. and return, to arrange for the construction of a school house. |

| Feby 6th 1869 #19. | Florida. Geo. W. Gile. Col. Feby 6th Referred to C.M.O. Feby 10th Rec'd back with report. E.B p 301. Vol 5. | Jacksonville Feby 2d 1869. Recommends cancellation of the contract of A.A. Surg. G.A. Edwards to date Jany 31" 1869.  |

| Feby 6th 1869. #20 | Florida. Geo. W. Gile, Col. File. | Jacksonville. Feby 1st 1869. Submits roster of Officers. Agents, and Clerks on duty in that State for the month of Jany 1869.  |

| Feby 16th 1869. #21 * | Florida Geo. W. Gile, Col. 2 enclo School report to Mr Alvord. Filed. | Jacksonville Feby 11th 1869. Submits report of Operations of the Bureau in that State during month of January 1869. Report of Schools for Jany enclosed. |

| Feby 23d 1869. #22 | Florida Geo W. Gile. Col. 1 enclo See PLB Vol 6. Feby 23d 1869. Feby 23d Referred to C.Q.M. approved. The A.C. of Fla has been informed of this reference. | Jacksonville Feby 18" 1869. Forwards approved report of "Board of Officers" establishing rental value of one room at Jacksonville, to be used as an office for Chief of Claims. |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 18th 1869 #23. * | Field C.D. File See P.L.B. Vol 6. Feby 1869. | Philadelphia Feby 15th 1869. Inquires if a number of colored families who are in rather destitute circumstances in that city can obtain transportation from the Gov't, to one of the Territories where they desire to settle. Desires to be informed as to the proper officer to whom to apply, if such transportation be granted by the Gov't. |

| Feby 20th 1869. #24 | Freedmen's. Aid. Comn Levi Coffin. Genl Agt. 1 enclo Feby 24th Returned. E.B. p. 314 Vol 5. | Cincinnati O. Feby 15th 1869. Inquires whether at the close of the Bureau the Com'r. could consistently turn over to that Com'n, a portion of the remaining funds or place them at the control of the Com'n. to be applied in accordance with the original design &c. |

| Feby 23d 1869 #25. | Florida Geo. W. Gile Col. Bond filed with C.D.O. Feby 23d Returned with amended letter revoking the appointment of Mr. Foster to date Feby 28th 1869. | Jacksonville Feby 17th 1869. Encloses Capt. Durkee's bond for $6000. Requests his appointment and the revocation of that of C.A. Foster may be changed to take effect Feby 28" 1869. |

| Feby 23d 1869. #26 | Florida Geo. W. Gile Col. 1 enclo  Feby 24th Returned with vouchers approved. | Jacksonville Feby 15th 1869. Forwards vouchers, for approval, for actual expenses of a journey to Jasper, Fla and return, under taken by him for the purpose of arranging for the construction of a school house at that point. |