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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| March 2d 1869. #24 | Florida  Geo. W. Gile, Asst Commr | Jacksonville Florida  February 26th 1869. Forwards approved request of Chas H. Foster, Disbursing Officer for transportation from Jacksonville, Fla. to Worcester, Massachusetts, via Str. to Charleston, thence to Washington D.C. by rail, thence by rail to Worcester. Recommends that Mr. Foster be furnished transportation for the route mentioned in order to enable him to settle his accounts in route &c. March 2d referred to Chf. Quartermaster Approved. |

| March 3d 1869. #28. | Florida Geo. W. Gile, Col. see F 6.  March 5th Referred to C.Q.M. to whom the papers were referred Jany 11 1869. | Jacksonville Feby 27th 1869. Requests information relative to Inventories and Inspection Report of unserviceable Ordinance Stores which were forwarded on the 7th ultimo States that the officer responsible for the same has been relieved and that in order to close his papers the orders of the Chief of Ordinance are desired. |

| March 3d 1869. #29. | Florida  Geo. W. Gile, Col. Mrch 5th Referred to C.Q.M. | Jacksonville Feby 27th 1869. Requests authority to purchase stationary necessary for the use of his office, instead of drawing the same from the Quartermaster at Charleston S.C. States that he can obtain it at the same prices that it can be purchased elsewhere, and that expense of transporting it will be the same. |

| March 8th 69. #30. | Florida Geo. W. Gile, Col. File |  Jacksonville March 1st 1869. Submits roster of Officer and Civilians on duty March 1st 1869.  |

| March 10th 1869. #31. | Florida J.F. Chur, Col. March 10th Returned to A.C. of Fla. The Disbursing Officer of Fla. is authorized to pay the salary of Col. J.F. Chur from Feby 1st 1869. | Jacksonville March 4th 1869. Requests that the D.O. for Fla. be instructed to pay him for the month of Feby 1869, and states though on duty a portion of the time in Fla. he has drawn no salary for that month. |

| March 10th 1869. #32. | Florida Geo. W. Gile Col. March 11th Returned with apptment at $120 per enclosed as requested.  |  Jacksonville March 4th 1869. Requests that the salary of Mr. Samuel W. Fox, clerk, from $100 to $125 per month. Mr. Fox served in the Army and in the Bureau with much credit. |

| March 15th 1869. #33. | Free Baptist Miss. Societies Rev. N.C. Brackett Agent March 16th Referred to Maj. Swaim A.D.C.  |  Harpers Ferry Va March 11th 1869. Requests that $100 per month rental be paid for the building owned by them at Harpers Ferry and occupied as a Normal School under the American Missionary Association. The school numbered fifty three scholars with three teachers. |