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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 2d 1869 50. * | Florida Geo W. Gile Col. Filed See L.B Vol 5. | Jacksonville March 29th 1869. States that the Normal School erected by the Bureau is completed and will be dedicated April 10th 1869. requests the presence of the Com'r. |

| April 20th 1869 51. * | Florida Geo. W. Gile Col. Telegram Filed See L.B. Vol 5. Apl 20th 1869. | Jacksonville April 19th 1869. "Can I visit your Hd. Qrs. Think it important? answer" |

| April 26th 1869 52. | Freedmen's Aid Society R.S. Rust. Secy. See R. 23. F 16. April 27th Returned. EBp 372. Vol 5. |

| April 23d 1869 53 * | Florida Geo. W. Gile Col. Filed S.S. 55. 69. | Jacksonville April 19th 1869. States that on the 14th inst. he made journey to Tallahassee on business & requests an order covering same | 

| May 4th 1869 54. | Florida Geo. W. Gile Col.  1 enclo May 4th Returned. EBp 385 Vol 5. | Jacksonville April 30th 1869. States that he has not received Circular Letter alluded to in telegram of 20th and comm. of 23rd insts. | 

| May 11th 1869. #55. | Foster P.D. Ch Clk Actg. Branch Q.M.G.O. 1 enclo May 13th Returned. EBp 395. Vol 5. | Washington D.C. May 10th 1867. Encloses letter from J.E. Wilis asking certain information concerning the "Jeff Davis plantation" in Miss, whether or not the Government is offering it for sale, and upon what terms &c. |

| May 17th 1869 #56. * | Freedmen's Aid Society R.S. Rust. Sec'y. See L.B. Vol 5. May 25th 1869. May 18th. Referred to Col. J R. Lewis. Supt of Ed. for remarks. May 28th Recd back with report. | Cincinnati. Ohio. May 13th 1869. Requests an appropriation of $2,500.00 to enable them to purchase from the American Missionary Association in the Ayer School at Atlanta. Ga. |

| May 17th 1869 #57.* | Florida Geo. W. Gile. Col. Filed | Jacksonville. May 12th 1869.| Submits reports pertaining to Bureau for month of April 1869. |

| May 17th 1869. #58. | Florida J.F. Chur. Asst. Supt. of Ed. File see L.B Vol 5. May 17th 1869. May 26th Enclosed with P 62. Vol 14. 1869. | Jacksonville May 12th 1869. Reports the plan, in contemplation, for the erection of school building at St. Augustine, Fla. |