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242 243 [[3 columned table]] | WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. | | --- | --- | --- | | July 30th 1869. #115 | Freed. Un. Commission Josephine Shaw Lowell Secy. N.Y. Branch. July 31st Referred to Dr. H.C. Vogell for remarks Nov 23d Recd back with report See EBp 35 Vol 6. | North Shore New York. July 27th 1869. Asks if the Govt. will erect a building for a normal school in Elizabeth City N.C. of the freed people there will furnish the land. | | July 31st #116 * | Florida Geo. W. Gile. Supt. Education File. | Jacksonville. Fla. July 27th 1869. Ack. receipt of Commn. of 22nd inst. Will expect an order to leave on 31st inst |