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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 3rd 1869 #88 | Gilray Jas. W. Bt. Lt. Col and D.O. July 3rd Returned with revocation enclosed. leave of absence is granted to July 31st 1869 | Nashville Tenn June 26th 1869 Forwards recommended the application of Henry F. Roll, Chief Clerk D O for 31 days leave of absence from July 1st 1869 and that the revocation of his appt date from July 31st instead of May 31st 1869. |

| July 3rd 69 #89 * | Gilray Jos. H. Bt. Lt. Col. and D.O. see G 90 & 92 Filed. | Nashville Tenn June 30th 69 Requests to be relieved from duty in the Bureau R.F. & A.L. and ordered to join his regiment also that he be granted 20 days "Delay Journey" from July 11th 69 |

| July 3rd 69 #90 * | Gilray Jos. H Bt. Lt. Col. and D.O. see G 89 & 92 See L.B. Vol. 5. July 3rd 1869. Telegram Filed. | Nashville Tenn July 3rd 69 Requests to be relieved from duty on the Bureau R.F. & A. L. to enable him to join his regiment for consolidation |

| July 6th 1869. #91 | Goodman S.H. Care L.P. Brown & Son July 7th Referred to C.Q.M. | Washington July 3rd 1869. Desires information relative to the accounts of Capt. H. Brant (deceased) late Agent in Ga. |

| July 6th 1869. #92. * | Gelroy Jos. W. Br. Lt. Col. See G 89 & 90. Filed. | Nashville Tenn July 3rd 1869. Forwards copy of letter from Adjt. Genl. U.S.A. April 10/69. granting him permission to join his Regt. for consolidation & stating that Comd'g Genl. of the Dept. will judge as to his fitness for active service. |

| May 3rd 1869. #93. * | Griffin, Jno. G. Telegram Filed. | Xenia Ohio May 28th 1869. "Vouchers with the contract mailed today." |

| July 2nd 1869. #94 * | Georgia Bt. Col. J.R. Lewis Supt. Education Filed. | Atlanta June 29th 1869. States in reply to letter from the Commr that Capt. W.G. Fitch (col'd) bears an excellent reputation. |

| July 9th 1869 #95 * Recd. back July 27th | Georgia Col. J.R. Lewis Supt of Ed See G. 102. 3 enclo Filed with G 102. (vouchers sent to Chf D.O.) July 23rd Forwd. to Sec. War for inf as to what disposition has been made of the within named property. The Presidents Private Secy. may have a record of the order if such an order is in Existence O.O.H. | Atlanta July 6th 1869 Forwards for instructions comn of Sellers N Hill enclosing vouchers in favor of Watchmen for June 69 on confederate property and states that the "State Agricultural Society" claim the right to hold their fair at the Laboratory the coming fall. Asks if they shall be permitted to enter upon and use the building and property for such purposes |

| July 13th 1869. #96 | Georgia Bt. Col. J.R. Lewis, Supt. Education July 13th referred to J.W. Alvord. | Atlanta July 10th 1869. Requests to be furnished with certain blank forms. |