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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 19th, 1869 #97 * | Georgia J.R. Lewis Supt. Education July 19th Referred to J.W. Alvord for perusal. Return for file. Letter of transmittal Recd. back and filed. Oct 31/74. W.G.P. | Atlanta. Ga. July 16th. 1869.
Forwards report for year ending June 30/69. & Final Returns of C.T. Watson, A.Q.M. &c |

| July 19th. 1869 #98. | Gary, Benj. H. July 19th. Referred to Col. B.P. Runkle Supt. Ed. Ky. for remarks. Augt. 11th Recd. back. E.B. Vol 5 p. 487 | Irvin Ky.
July 15th 1869. States that he taught a colored school for 3/2 mos at Irvin under authority of Col. Runkle. & that he never received any pay therefor. |

| July 20th. 1869. #99. | Georgia J.R. Lewis Supt. Education  July 25th Referred to J. W. Alvord | Atlanta Ga. July 17th 1869. Forwards school report for June 1869. |

| July 22nd #100 | Georgia J.R. Lewis. Supt. Education
1 Enclo. July 23rd. Referred to Chf. Q.M. for examination. July 26th Recd. back E.B. Vol 5 p. 468. | Atlanta Ga. July 19th 1869. Forwards letter of Hon. Virgil Hillyer relative to erection of school building at Berne Ga. with copy of Deed of Trustees of the land & building when finished, & requests authority to expend $300. in repairs on same. |

| July 27th. 1869. #102. * | Georgia Bt. Col. J.R. Lewis. Supt Education See G. 95. See L.R. Vol 5. p July 28/69 File. | Atlanta Ga. July 24th 1869. Forwards letter from Depty U.S. Marshal relative to occupying the Laboratory Grounds for an Agricultural Fair, & copy of letter from Atty. Genl. relative to the sale of said property; with the remark that through Judge Lochrane he has filed a bill with U.S. Dist. to open the case that the Bu. may intervene, that an agreement has been made that the property may be sold without prejudices to the claims of the Bu.; & that he has no objections to allowing the Agricultural Society the use of grounds &c on terms indicated by Atty. Genl Hoar. |

| July 27th. 1869. #103 | Georgia J.R. Lewis. Supt. Education. 1 Enclo. July 27th Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Atlanta Ga. July 24th 1869. Forwards Schedules of School & rental a/cs of C.F. Society for Quarter Ending June 30/69. |