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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 6th 1869. #8. * | Hawley Jos R Hon. From Secy of War. See L. Vol 5. Jany 6th 1868. filed. | Hartford Conn. Jany 1st 1869. Inquires concerning the delay in forwarding to Rev. E.B. Bingham of Brooklyn, Conn. his appointment as Asst Supt. of Schools in Ga. |

| Jany 4th 1869 #9. * | Henderson Thos et al. 1 enclo See PLB Vol 6. Jany 4th 1869 file. | Salisbury N.C. Dec 30th 1868. Requests retention of Col W.A. Cutler as Agent at that point. |

| Jany 5th 1869. #10. * | Harris J.H. et al. Telegram See L. B Vol 5. Jany 5th 1869. file. | Raleigh Jany 4th 1869. States that every body desires the retention of Col. Chur and requests Comr. to suspend action until they can make proper representations. | 

| Jany 16th 1869 #11. | Harrington Richard 5 enclo. Jany 20th To Maj Swaim. | Washington D.C. Jany 15th 1869. Forwards bills of James H. Bell of Milford Del. amounting to $441.18 for material furnished for construction of school houses at Slaughter Neck. Williamsville, and Milford Del. Also account of James Layton ($50.) Mark Spencer ($35.) and  N. Fountain ($16.) for work on house at Milford Del. Encloses letter explaining bills &c |    

| 1869. #12. * | Harper R.D. File | Xenia, Ohio. Dec 25th 1869. Speaks commendatory of Mr. G.L. Putnam of Mobile, who desires to be appointed Asst Supt. of Education for Ala. |

| Jany 27th 1869. #13. | Harris. J.S. U.S. Senator See M 260. Vol 3. 10 Enclo Jany 19th Returned. The Comr has no legal authority to pay claims of this kind. | Washington D.C. Jany 23d 1869. Forwards papers in the case of Dr. J.S. Meng. States that he is acquainted with Dr Meng and also with some of the circumstances connected with his claim and is of the opinion that it should be paid if under existing regulations it can be done. |

| Feby 1st 1869 #14. | Hartupee G.H. Chm Ex Com. C. T. Col. 1 enclo Feby 1st Referred to C.Q.M.  | Nashville Tenn. Jany 27th 1869. Forwards the description and certificate requisite to secure the release of the new building of the Central Tenn College from the property roll of the Bureau. |

| Feby 1st 1869 #15. | Henderson E.A. 1 Enclo Feby 1st Referred to A.C. of Ky. for such information as he may gather. Apl 20th Recd back with report. EBp 371 Vol 5. | - - 1869. Requests that efforts be made to ascertain the whereabouts &c of Helen Adams, her former slave, who was taken away from Mrs Dinkle's at Jordans Spring by the wife of Capt Norris of 2d Cavly and carried to Louisville Ky, and that such information as may be obtained be sent to her mother Annie Adams "F" bet 3d & 4½ Sts. Island, Washington D.C. |