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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| March 27th, 1869. #37. * | Hastings H.L. Mrs. See Q.6 File. See P.L. B Vol 6 1869. | Darlington S.C. March 23d 18699. Requests that the Govt building at that place recently turned over to the Bureau be transferred to her to be used for school purposes. |

| March 30th 1869. #38. * | Howard C.H. Genl & Asst. Inspt. of Schools. File. see S.O. 47. March 30th 1869. | Washington March 30th 1869. Requests an order to proceed on public business to Louisville. Ky. Columbus. Miss. Mobile. Ala. New Orleans La, Galveston and Houston. Texas and such other points as shall be found neccessary and return. |

| April 6th 1869 #39 | Hopkins Louise F. April 7th Returned. No copying is sent from this office. | Washington April 5th 1869. Asks if the Comr can furnish her with employment, as copyist. |

| April 8th 1869. #40. | Hancock Cornelia Teacher. April 9th Referred to Asst. Comr of S.C. | Mount Pleasant. S.C. Gives the wants of the colored people in that place. States that she has money to purchase land with if the Government will build thereon a school house for freedmen. Thinks $1.500.00 or $1,800 will be sufficient to erect a suitable building. |

| April 9th. 1869. #41. | Hill Wm. U.S. Senate P.O. April 13th Referred to Major Swaim. A.D.C. who will comply with this request. April 15th. Rec'd back with report. EB p365. Vol 5. | Washington D.C. April 8th 1869. Requests that the written evidence relative to murders committed in the lower part of Md. in 1861. (handed Capt. Rogers of Genl Howards Staff) be returned to him. Also asks if the evidence is deemed sufficient to bring the men to justice. |

| April 14th 1869. #42. | Holt W.B. Rev'd April 15th Returned. There is no vacancy existing in either of the states named. | Trumansburg. N.Y. April 12th 1869. Requests that appointment of Superintendent of Schools in either North or South Carolina. |

| April 15th 1869. #43. | Hart H.A. Secy of National Theol Inst. April 15th. Referred to the Agent within referred thro A.C of Ga. for report Apl 25 Rec'd back with report E.B. p 378 Vol 5. | Boston. Mass. - 1869. Writes the Hon Hanibal Hamlin in reference to the education of colored preachers, and desires that a primary department be attached to their schools in the south. Complains of the arbitrary course pursued by the Bureau Agent at Augusta. Ga. |

| April 17th 69 #44 | Healy S.W Pastor 1st Cong Church April 19 Returned with information that Mr Mason has already received the appointment. | New Orleans La April 6th 1869 Learns that a Bureau Supt is to be appointed for Louisiana. desires if possible that Mr. Mason or some such man may be appointed. |