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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 12th 1869 # 54 * | Hayward Anderson | Willsville Pa. May 5th 1869. Requests that the order cancelling his appointment as Agent Bureau RF. &c he modified so as to make the date of the revocation May 6th 1869. Apl 1869. |

| May 19th 1869 # 55 | Hays F.D. Box 30/ May 19th. Referred to Dr. H C Vogell Supt of Schools for A.C. for report Turner Riedlook | Franklinton, A.C. May 17th 1869. States that the has been teaching school all the year, and that Dr. Vogell only agreed to pay $5 per month; also that he taught three months last year, and received pay for one month only. |

| May 31 1869 # 56. | Heaton Thos. May 31st Referred to Mrs J.S. Griffing #394. North Capitol St. Washington D.C. | Cincinnati. O. Desires the services of a first class colored woman to do general housework. Will remit the money to purchase a ticket through to Cincinnati. |

| June 1st 1869 #57. * | Hatchen Geo W. 1 enclo Filed. see L.B Vol 5. June 1st 1869. | Natchez Miss. May 22d 1869. Desires position of trust and responsibility in this Bureau. |

| June 21st 1869 # 58 * | Howard O.O. Maj. Genl Com'r Telegram Filed | New York June 3d 1869 Requests carriage to meet night train from N.Y. at C A.M. tomorrow at Washington Depot. |

| June 10th 1869 # 59. Nicks D.F. June 10th Referred to Genl Supt of Ed. for answer. | Kenosha. Wis. June 7th 1869 Desires to know something definite about educational interests of the south, &c &c |

| June 10th 1869 # 60 | Harris Wm June 11th Referred to Supt of Ed for Va for investigation and report. | Providence R.I. June 8th 1869. Requests aid in procuring his two sons are in Virginia held by Wm Whetton. Taswill County. |

| June 15th '69 # 61. | Howard O.O Maj Genl Commr See A 12. Referred to Dr Vogell with instructions to carry out the within orders | Washington DC December 10 69 Directs Col J.F. Chur Asst Commr for N.C. to contract with lowest responsible bidder at Charlotte N.C. for erection of Dormitories and enclosing fence at a cost not to exceed $6000. for Institution in charge of Presbyterian Board. |