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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 19th 1869 #62 | Hanes Robert No 186 Lafayette St. June 21st Referred to Genl Geo. W. Balloch C.D.O. July 6th Re'd back E.B.p 448. Vol 5 | New Orleans La May 25th 69 Desires information as to when he shall receive his share of reward for the arrest of Thomas H. Harrison who absconded with funds while acting as Agent of the Bureau in Louisiana | 

| June 24th 1869 #63. | Harrington S.M. Secy Del Assn June 25 Referred to Genl H.M. Whittelsey C.Q.M. | Wilmington Del June 23rd 69  Asks if he can be furnished for their Association copies of the Trust upon which the School houses built with the aid of the Bureau have been deeded to the several cities |

| June 12th 1869. #64 * | Haley A.G. Filed. See L.B. Vol. 5. 1869. June 12th | Washington D.C. June 10th 1869. Learns that he has been accused of stealing lumber from Lincoln Buildings. |

| June 14th 1869. #65. * | Hoge. S.L. Enclosed with S185. Vol 14. | Columbia S.C.  July 12th 1869.  States relative to the military history of Mr Runkle who is an applicant for clerkship in Bu. that he was too young to participate in the late was but that he comd'd a Co. during the Indian troubles in Kansas in 1867. | 

| July 17th 1869. #66. | Howell, W.T. Bt. Maj. & A.Q.M. 7 enclo July 17the Referred to C.Q.M . | New York. July 16th 1869. Forwards two a/cs against the Bureau of $39.62 in favor of Erie & Pittsburg R.R. |

| July 19th 1869 #67 | Howell, Wm. G. Bt. Maj. & A.Q.M. 9 enclo July 19th Referred to Chf. Q.M. | New York. July 16th 1869.  Forwards a/c against the Bur of $26.62 in favor of Buffalo & Erie R.R. Co. |

| July 22nd #68. | Hoag, J. Murray. Bt. Capt. U.S. Army. Agent for payment Bounties 4 enclo July 23d Referred to Chf. Q.M. | Savannah Ga. July 19th 1869.  Transmits for approval, lists of stores expended and vouchers for Forage issued by him in June 1869. |

| July 22nd #69 | Howard, Genl. C.H. Inspectors of Schools. July 20th. Ret'd with order enclosed as requested. | Denmark, Iowa. June 3rd 1869.  Requests that an order be issued approving of certain journeys performed by him from June 1st to 23rd 1869. |

| July 23. #70 | Hawkinson. Jr R.H. (col'd) Secy. July 24th Referred to J.M. Langston | Augusta Ga. July 19th 1869. Asks advice relative to forming a "Col'd. Protective Labor Association" |

| July 19th #71 * | Home Mission. Presbyterian Committee. E.F. Hatfield, Secy. See S. 188. L.B. Vol. 5. July 1869. | New York July 17th 1869. Gave their consent to have rooms of Howard School at Columbia S.C. used for free public school with opening of regular session. |