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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 16th 1869 #1. | Jaffray Edward S. 330 Broadway. See J 51. & G 350. Vol 13. Jany 16th To Genl. Balloch C.D.O. | New York. Jany 15th 1869. Encloses letter from widow of Dr. Chas Lodge authorizing him to receive the amount due her husband, from U.S. Govt., Requests that the amount (which he thinks is $20.) be sent to him that he may remit it to her. |

| Jany 28th 1869 #2. * | Johnson Wm H. late Clerk Hd Qrs A.C. of N.C. 1 enclo File. See P.L.B. Vol 6. Jany 26th 1869. | Mecklenburg [[strikethrough]] Va [[/strikethrough]] N.Y. Jany 24th 1869. Requests that he be furnished a certificate to the that he was honorably discharged from the Bureau by reason of its discontinuance and also a copy of Circular No 11. &c &c. |

| Jany 26th 1869. #3. | Jackson John A. 1 enclo Jany 26th Referred to A.C. of N.C. for information. | Springfield Mass Jany 24th 1869 | Asks assistance in ascertaining what became of 2 bbls of flour, 2 boxes of clothing, 2 ploughs, one wagon and harness which he forwarded the before Christmas to Isaac Rosekrans, Washington N.C. for freedmen. Desires Mr. Rosekrans address he having removed from Washington. | 

| Feby 9th 1869. #4 | Jones S.H. Feby 9th Referred to A.C. of Va. | Richmond Va. Feby 8th 1869 | Asks Genl. Howard to appropriate an am't. sufficient to purchase a suitable building and put the same in repair at Clover Dept. Va., A wealthy lady in N.Y. promises to pay the salary of teachers if a house can be obtained. |

| Feby 24th 1869 #5. * | Jackson Jno Andrew. Filed. | Springfield Mass. Feby 22d 1869. Requests that the Comr. see the Hon. H L Dawes relative to securing from Congress as appropriation of $2000. for the purpose of settling a colony on a tract of land called Cheraw situated on the borders of N.C. and S.C., and which belongs to Mr. Standford of New York City. States that they propose to put up a mill on the tract and work it on shares; and sell the land at market prices to the freedmen when able to buy. The appropriation is for building the mill and also log huts in which the freedmen shall live. |

| April 2d 1869 #6. | Johnson Abraham Watchman April 2d Returned disapproved. | Washington March 29th 1869. Requests that his salary be increased. |

| April 20th 1869 #7 | Jackson L.A. see P.L.B. Vol 6. April 21st 69. April 20th Referred to A.C. of Va. | Cliff Mills Va. April 15th 1869. Writes in behalf of the colored people of that section whose agents bought from Alfred Meyer a certain tract of land to be paid for in instalments for school purposes. After making part payment the land is now offered for sale under a Deed of Trust. |