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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 4th 1869. #1. | Kimball John Asst. Supt. of Schools Jany 5th Forwarded to Coms'y Genl. of Subsistence U.S.A. | Washington Jany 4th 1869 Forwards list of teachers authorized to purchase Subsistence stores from Coms'y Department. Requests the same to be forwarded to Coms'y Genl. | 

| Jany 9th 1869. #2. | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. 2 enclo Jany 9th Referred to C.Q.M. | Louisville Jany 5th 1869. Forwards in duplicate, list of school buildings in that State owned by the Bureau. | 

| Jany 14th 1869 #3. | Kimball John Asst. Supt. of Schools. | Jany 4th Referred to A.C. of Tenn, whose attention is specially invited to the alleged attempt to burn the school house in Morristown, and the need of repairs. | Washington Jany 14th 1869. Forwards letter of Rev. E.F. Hatfield. Secy of A.M.A. stating that an attempt was recently made to burn a school house at Morristown, Tenn. which the Bureau aided in building; that it will cost $50 to repair damages. |

| Jany 6th 1869. #4. | Kentucky Benj. P. Runkle, Genl. Telegram see L.B. Vol 5. Jany 6th 1869. files. | Louisville Jany 6th 1869. Inquired whether orders have been issued for Kentucky, or will any be? |

| Jany 14th 1869. #5. | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. 2 enclo file. | Louisville Jany 11th 1869. Submits roster of Officers, Agents, and Clerks on duty during the month of Dec 1868. |

| Jany 16th 1869 #6. | Kentucky Benj. P. Runkle, Col. see K 50 Vol 13. Jany 18th Returned disapproved. It is not deemed wise to increase all the salaries of clerks, as would be necessary if this request were |

| Jany 14th 1869 #7. * | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. File. | Louisville Dec 30th 1869. Par 1. S.O. 145. Asst. Comr for Ky revoking par 4 S.O. 144. which directed Chapl. T.K. Noble to make a journey to Brandenburg and 28 other places. Chapl. Noble having filed a request to be relieved from making said journey and directing Capt. A. Benson Brown S.A.C. to make the journey. |

| Jany 18th 1869 #8 | Kentucky S. Burbank Genl. File. | Louisville Jany 11th 1869. Submits report of rations issued for the month of December 1868. |

| Jany 20th 1869. #9. * | Knower E.C. Capt &c File. See S.O. 8. Jany 20th 1869. | Baltimore Md Jany 19th 1869. Requests authority to proceed to Washington D.C. and return on public business. |