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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 10th 1869. #24. | Kimball John Supt. of Education March 10th Retd E. Bp. 326. Vol 5. | Washington March 2d 1869 Requests that his salary be increased to $20 per month. Has served over three years in the Bureau without increase and by recent orders his allowances of Quarters purchase of provisions from the Coms'y Dept. and horse have been taken away. |

| March 11th 1869. #25. | Kentucky. B.P. Runkle Col. March 11th Returned with orders to return to his station & to know on or between what dates the journeys were performed. | Washington March 10th 1869. Asks an order to proceed to Louisville Ky. also one to cover journeys from Louisville to Danville, Harrodsburg and Lexington Ky and return to Louisville. | 

| March 1st 1869. #26. | Kentucky. Benj. P. Runkle Col. File. | Louisville Feby - 1869. Submits report of Operations of the Bureau affairs for the month of Jany 1869. |    

| March 20th 1869. #27 | Kentucky. Benj. P. Runkle Col. See K. 27 E.Bp 338. Vol 5. | Louisville March 17th 1869 Acknowledges receipt of letter of 5th inst and states that in order to carry out its provisions it will be necessary to employ additional clerks, and requests authority to employ, H. Weindall. J.W. Lurton. C.B. Chapman and Henry W. Kohlhase. from March 1st/69 at $100. per month. and P.J. Overly & E.W. High from the 15th of March. |

| March 20th 1869. #28. | Kentucky. Benj. P. Runkle Col. File. | Louisville March - 1869 Submits roster of Officers and Civilians on duty March 1st 1869. | 

| March 22d 1869 #29. | Kimball Jno Supt. of Schools March 22d Respectfully forwarded to Commissary General of Subsistence Recd back April 19th E.B. 369 | Washington March 1st 1869 Transmits corrected list of teachers who are authorized to purchase supplies from Subsistence Department U.S.A. |

| March 22d 1869 #30. * | Kentucky. Ben. P. Runkle Col. File. | Louisville March 20th 1869. States that he has been notified by  Genl. Swords Q.M. Dept. of Cumberland, that the building used as Freedmen's Hospital have been sold, possession to be given April 10th 1869: that he will be obliged in accordance with orders of the Commissioner to close the Hospital by March 31st 1869. and turn out the inmates. Asks for further instructions. | 

| March 24th 1869 #31. | Knower E.C. Capt &c See K 47. 1 enclo March 24th referred to Maj D.G. Swaim. | Baltimore Md. March 23d 1869. Reports in compliance with letter of 18th inst that he has visited the Trustees of the "Gregory Home" and that they are willing to purchase ground if the Bureau will build a House but suggests that it would be best to purchase a lready built and gives reasons therefor. Also thinks the Bureau concludes to build it would be better to lease a lot for 99 years than to purchase. |