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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 1st, 1869. #40. | Kimball Jno Supt of Education April 1st Forwarded to the Commissary Genl of Subsistence. | Washington April 1st, 1869. Transmitted corrected list of teachers authorized to purchase subsistence stores from the armory. |

| April 5th, 1869. #41. | Kentucky Ben. P. Runkle Col. April 6th Returned there is no authority for paying claims of this nature | Louisville April 1, 1869 Forwards approved and recommended, application of Messrs C.B. Chapman. J.W. Lurton and Henry Weindell clerks, for pay, for the month of April 1869. |

| April 5th, 1869. #42. | Kirkwood J.M. Supt of Public Instruction April 6th Referred to A.C. of Tenn. | Henry Station. Tenn. March 30th 1869. Asks if Genl Howard can furnish them any assistance in building school houses in that County |

| April 5th, 1869. #43. | Kentucky, Ben. P. Runkle. Col, File | Louisville April 1st 1869. Submits roster of Officers and civilians on duty in that state on April 1 1869. |

| March 1st 1869 #44 * | Kentucky Ben. P. Runkle Col. see K 39. File | Louisville March 27th 1869 Forwards approved and recommended, request of Chapl. T.K. Noble, for a leave of absence for 30 days from April 1st 1869. |

| April 6th 1869 #45 | Kentucky Ben. P. Runkle. Col, April 6th Returned, There is no authority for paying claims of this nature | Louisville April 2nd,1869 Forwards approved, letter of Henry W. Kohlhass Jr. Haling that he has been discharged as clerk in the Bureau and asks pay for month of April in order to give him a chance to look up employment. |

| April 6th 1869 #46. * | Kentucky Ben P. Runkle. Col. Filed | Louisville April 3rd, 1869. Requests that Col. S P. Lee Capt 45 Infty be ordered to report to him for duty. |

| April 7th 1869 #47. * | Knower E.C. Capt. See K 37. April 8th Referred to Major Swaim. A.D.O. | Baltimore Md. April 6th 1869. States that he learned upon interview with Capt. Wright late D.O. for Md. that he never turned over formerly to Trustees of "Gregory Home" the Government property now in their possession. Suggests that it be taken up by Q.M. Dept. for future disposition. |

| April 9th 1869 #48. * | Kentucky Ben P. Runkle. Col. 4 enclo File | Louisville. Feby 20th, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Circular No 22. series of 1867. States that he has procured very few teachers through the Agency of any Association for the reason that all their teachers are employed. There are but 22 teachers in the state supported wholly by andy Association, the greater number supported in part by the Bureau &c &c. |