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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| 1869  #57 | Kennedy J.C.G. Filed. | Washington  April 8th 1869  States that two colored men applied to and obtained from him, $10., under the pretense that it was needed to bring the remains of a deceased friend. One gave his name as Williams. I have that these fellows have obtained money for similar purposes from other parties. They stated that they were members of Asbury Church. |

| April 24th 1869 #58. | King Ira W. Supt. of Public Instruction Filed. P.L.B. Vol 6 Apl 20th 1869. | Gordonsville, Tenn. April 19th 1869. Writes requesting Genl. Howard to revoke his order abolishing the working of the Educational Dept. of the Bureau in that state after May 31st 1869 with  a detail statement of its necessity.|

| April 26th, 1869 #59. | Knight Chas. Mrs. 1 enclo April 27th Returned. All employment officers of this Bureau and issue of transportation had been discontinued. | Stockport Station, N.Y.  April 23rd 1869 Asks if colored servant girls can be furnished from the Freedmen's Bureau? States that a number in their vicinity now dependent upon catholic irish help desired if possible to procure col. servants, &c |

| April 27 1869 #60. | Kentucky. B.P. Runkle Col. See K 65 E.B.p 379. Vol 5. | Louisville. April 24th 1869 Desires transportation for and encloses list of inmates of Freedmen's Hospital, and for E.H. King Steward and an order for Dr. R.A. Bell to Washington D.C. |

| April 28th 1869 #61. | Kentucky. B.P. Runkle Col. See M 125. EBp 300 Vol 5. | Louisville. April 26th 1869 States that Col Catlin has broken his only leg and asks that as Capt. Leon T. Burnett will be left out, in consolidation, he be ordered to him for duty. | 

| April 29th 1869 #62. * | Kinzer A.A. Box 272 Filed see P.L.B. Vol 6. Apl. 30, 1869 | Hannibal, Mo. April 21st 1869  Requests information relative to Educational work among freedmen. wishes to bring the subject before convention of Teachers. States that he has been a teacher nearly 3 years and desires to get others interested. Desires to be furnished with statistics. |

| May 30, 1869 #63. | Kentucky  Ben P. Runkle Col. May 3d Returned. C.D.O. who is authorized to pay King at the rate of $30. per mo from Jany to Apl 30th 1869. | Louisville  April 29th 1869.  Forwards approved letter of T.A. Bell recommending that a salary of $30 per mo. be allowed D. King from Jany 1st to Apl 30th 1869 for services as teacher and clerk for "Home for Destitute freed people." |