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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 27th 1869 #72 | Kentucky Ben P. Runkle. Col &c. May 28th Referred to C.D.O. for remarks. June 8th Recd back with report. EBp. 424. Vol 5. | Louisville May 24th 1869
Suggests that he be relieved from duty as General Agent for the payment of Bounties, to take effect July 1st 1869. - the Educational Department requiring all his time and attention; and the removal of his Head Quarters to Cincinnati or Covington when he will be near the Amr. Miss. Ass'n and Freedmen's Aif Com'r and can more easily consult and co-operation with them. |

| May 24th 1869 #73. * | Kentucky Ben P. Runkle. Col & Supt Schools To Mr. Drew. Claim Div. Filed | Louisville May 22d 1869. Forwards report of Lieut J.L. Graham D.O. of facts in connection with the payment of bounties in Lexington. Ky. With remark. The statement of Capt Graham can be relied upon. It appears that Geo. Thomas (col'd) a sor of Claim Agent &c has been circulating among the freedmen all manner of false reports; takes up discharges in claims rejected by the Auditor, charges a fee and tells the soldiers he will get $200. for them, which will be paid & brought him. He has issued a Manifest in which he states that the Bureau is done away with. The leading col'd men and white citizens say he is a bad man his object being notority and fees. He has had so much influence with some of the ignorant colored soldiers that they had refused to receive their bounty when tendered them. | 

| June 4th 1869 #74. | Kentucky Col. B.P. Runkle. Supt of Education | Louisville June 2d 1869 Forwards approved request of Lieut Wm Stone Asst D.O. for an order approving his journey from Louisville to La Grange Ky. and return on May 21st 1869. on public business. With remark, Lieut Stone is on duty as Asst. D.O. and requires him to serve as Asst Supt. Schools. | 

| June 2d 1869 #75. * | Kentucky Col. Ben P. Runkle. Supt &c See D 23. Filed. | Louisville May 30th 1869. States in answer to end't of May 1st 1869. on letter of Rev. G.W. Dupree, in reference to making a transfer of the school building at Paducah Ky. The articles of Incorporation will be forwarded as soon as signed. | 

| June 8th 1869 #76. | Kentucky Ben. B P. Runkle. Col & Supt &c June 8th Returned with order enclosed as requested. | Louisville June 4th 1869. Forwards approved requests of Lt. J.A. Graham for an order covering journey, from Louisville to Lexington Ky. and return, from Louisville to Bowling Green Ky and return; from Louisville to Paris Ky. and return. | 

| June 8th 1869 #77 * | Kentucky Col. B.P. Runkle. Supt of Ed. Filed 
| Louisville 1869. Forwards certificate authorizing James Turner to receive subscriptions and collect money for "Berea College". |