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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| June 17 69 #78 | Kentucky Ben P Runkle Supt of Ed Referred to Genl Geo W Balloch C. D. O. Letter of transmittal need back Aug. 4th/74. W.G.P. | Louisville June 14th 69 Forwards vouchers for actual Expenses excused under S.O.81. War Dept. Bureau RF&AL dated June 8th 1869, for Jno L Graham Lieut 45th US Infantry. |

| June 17th '69 #80 | Kentucky B.P. Runkle Supt of Ed Returned with appointments enclosed | Louisville June 15th 69 Requests that Henry Weindell and Charles P Chapman be appointed Clerks in his office to date from June 18th 1869. |

| June 23rd 69 #81 | Kentucky Ben P Runkle Supt of Ed June 24 Forwarded to the Adjt General approved | Louisville June 21st 69 Forwards approved letter of Wm Stone 1st Lieut 45th Infty requesting to be relieved from duty in the Bureau and ordered to his home to await orders. |

| June 23rd 69 #82 | Kentucky Ben P Runkle June 24th Returned to Col B. P. Runkle with order enclosed. | Louisville June 21st 69 Forwards letter of Lieut Stone P.O. requesting an order approving journey made by him from Louisville to Hopkinsville Ky bet 17th and 19th inst inclusive |

| June 25th 69 #83 | Knower E.C. Capt & Disbureng Agt June 26th Returned approved. leave of absense granted for 7 days from 2d July | Baltimore M.d June 24th 69 Requests permission to be absent from his duties for seven (7) days to attend to private business |

| July 2nd 69 # 84 | Kincheloe J F Supt of Pub Inst Polk Co July 3rd Returned See EB 448. Vol 5  | Cleveland Tenn June 30th 69 Recommends that the Educational Dept be continued in Tennessee |

| July 3rd 69 #85. | Kentucky Ben P Runkle Supt 3 enc July 6th Referred to J.M. Langston Supt of Schools | Louisville July 1st 69 In compliance with telegram from the Commissioner he will announce Mr Langston for July 14th 1869. Encloses copies of Circular. States one R.R. has tendered half fare, expects to secure it from others |

| July 3rd 1869 #86 * | Kentucky Bt. Col B.P. Runkle Supt. Edu. & D.O. Filed. | Louisville. July 1st 1869. Forwards Roster of officers & civilians on duty in Ky. July 1st 69. |

| July 7th 1869 #87 * | Kimball, John C Supt. Education Ret'd to J. Kimball who will make out appt per voucher & forward the same. July 15 Recd. back E.B. Vol 5 P. 456 recd back. Aug 4th/74. W.G.P. | Washington D.C. July 7th 1869. Recommends that the bill of Johnson & Clark for materials furnished for the construction of School house at Princess Anne be paid. |

Transcription Notes:
enc (enclosure) too many [[?]] to submit for review