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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 2nd. 1869. #88 * | Knower, E.C. Brvt. Capt. U.S.A. 1 Enclo Filed | Baltimore Md. July 2nd. 1869. Asks for 7 days leave of absence from 3rd. inst. | 

| July 8th. 1869. #89 | Kendall, Abertina M. 2 Enclo. July 9th 69. Referred to Chief Quartermaster. | Boston, Mass. July 6th. 1869. Encloses invoice of Horses & states that they have never been used by her. Asks that they be searched for & if found sent to her. Care of Wm. Ropert 8 Co State St. Boston Mass. | 

| July 13th. 1869. #90. | Kentucky. Bt. Col. Ben. P. Runkle, Supt. Education. See S.O. 102. July 13/69. July 13th. Returned, with orders Enclosed as requested. | Louisville July 10th. 1869. Forwards appd. request of Lt. Wm. Stone for an order approving journeys made by him under verbal orders from Col. Runkle, Viz: July 2nd. to 5th. inst. from Louisville to Lexington & Paris & return. July 7th. to 8th. inst. from Louisville to Covington & return. |  

| July 19th. 1869. #91 | Kentucky. Ben. P. Runkle. Supt. Education See S.O July 19th 69. No 104. July 19th. Returned, order Enclosed as requested. | Louisville. July 16th. 1869. Forwards appd. application of Lt. Wm. Stone for order approving journeys made by him. | 

| July 22nd. #92. | Kentucky. Bt. Ben P. Runkle, Supt. Education July 23.d. Referred to C.D.O. for remark. July 26th. Recd. back E.B. Vol 5 p. 468. | Louisville Ky. July 19th. 1869. Asks what disposition to make of 1571 2 lbs. Flour no longer required at the Ref. & Freed. Hospl. in that city. | 

| July 26th. 1869. #93 * | Kentucky. B. P. Runkle, Supt. Education. File. | Louisville Ky. July 22nd. 1869. Will forward his Annual Report in a day or two. | 

| July 26th. #94. | Kentucky. B. P. Runkle, Supt. Education See S.O. 107. July 26th. 1869. July 26th. Retd. with order enclosed as requested. | Louisville Ky. July 23rd. 1869. Forwards approved request of Lt. Geo. E. Judd for an order covering certain journeys made by him from July 6th. to 20th. inclusive. | 

| July 28th. #95 | Kentucky. B. P. Runkle, Supt. Education | Louisville Ky. July 26th. 1869. Forwards Annual Report for Year Ending July 16/69. | 

| July 29th. #96 | Kimball, John Supt Education, July 30th. Referred to Maj E. S. Deane, Asst. Supt. Edn. S.C. | Washington, D.C. July 28th. 1869. Forwards commn. of Col. R. R. Carson, Cor Sec. F.U. Com. who states that Mis Schofield & Miss Taylor have been notified by the owner of the School building they occupy that the Bu. did not want to hold it any longer. Are anxious to continue the school & if the Bu. will obtain building the assn. will send there two of their ablest teachers. |  

| July 29th. #97 | Kentucky. B. P. Runkle, Supt. Education July 30th. Retd. Appt. Enclosed as requested. | Louisville Ky. July 24th. 1869. Applies for authority to employ a Messenger at $40. per month, from July 7th. 1869. - recommended by Genl. Balloch. |