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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 4th 1869 #53. | Louisiana E. Hatch. Genl. | New Orleans April 30th 1869 Forwards letter of Col. E.C. Beman D.O. requesting that Mr. A Brossard be appointed clerk for the payment of bounties, to take effect May 1st 1869. at salary of $100 per month, vice Whippley resigned. Also requests authority to continue in his employ after May 31st. 1869. Geo. W. Dewhirst & H. J. Burrows for the purpose of making up his accounts as D.O. & A.A.Q.M. promising to discharge them as soon as possible. With remark. Approved and recommended. Mr Brossard is a competent & faithful clerk & admirably adapted to the business for which he is recommended, Col. Beman's request for the continuance after May 31st of Messrs, Dewhirst & Burrows meets his unqualified approval and earnestly hopes that the authority will be granted knowing it to be for the best interest of the public service. |

| May 4th 1869 #54. | Louisiana E. Hatch. Genl See A133. May 5th Forwarded to Adjt Genl U.S.A. approved. | New Orleans April 28th 1869 Requests that Bt. Capt. W.B. Brinton 1st Lieut 9th Cav'ly be assigned to duty in the Bureau during month of May for the purpose of closing completely the operations of the Bureau in that State. |

| May 6th 1869 #55 | Louisiana E. Hatch Genl 1 enclo May 9th 1869 Referred to C.Q.M. | New Orleans April 30th 1869 Forwards List of Destitute Sick and Diseased freedmen remaining in Freedmens Hospital at that place April 30th 1869. |

| May 8th 1869 #56 | Louisiana Bvt Maj Genl Hatch See O 25. Vol 13. O 25 Enclosed May 18th Referred to C.D.O. with instructions to disburse the funds, as advised by Genl F.D. Sewall | New Orleans April 30th 1869 Transmits in accordance with instructions from these Head Quarters, list of sums due to different planter's hands (freedmen) embezzled by Thomas H Hannon |

| May 12th 1869 #57 * | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Ed. May 12th Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. | Mew Orleans May 8th 1869. Requests the appointment of Samuel A. Delaren as clerk in his office at $1.25 per month. |

| May 12th 1869 #58. | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Ed. Filed. | New Orleans May 8th 1869 States in regard to the order of the Com'r of May 1st 1869. directing that the payment of salaries of all Teachers in La. by Bureau, cease after May 31st, that in compliance with verbal instructions from Genl Sewall such payments ceases after April 30th and that most of the schools closed on that date. |

| May 14th 1869 #59. | Langston J.M. Genl Inspector of Schools. To Genl. Supt. of Schools. | Washington April 29th 1869. Reports the result of his recent observation and inspection of Educational matters among the Freedmen throughout the country |