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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 17th 1869 #60. | Louisiana E. Hatch Genl. 1 enclo May 18th Returned disapproved | New Orleans May 11th 1869. States that E.O. Parker clerk in this office has performed extra services regardless of office hours, and has never received any remuneration and requests that the sum of $100.00 be allowed him. |

| May 17th 1869 #61. | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Ed. May 18th Returned. E.B.p 403. Vol 5. | New Orleans May 12th 1869. Application for an appropriation of $2.700 for erecting and repairing school houses and churches, in different parts of the State. | 

| May 17th 1869. #62 * | Louisiana E.W. Mason Supt of Ed Filed See L.B. Vol 5. May 17th 1869. | New Orleans May 10th 1869. Asks to be informed whether it is his duty to examine into the acts of his predecessors and report them to the Comr. | 

| May 20th 1869 #63. | Lacey R.S. May 20th Referred to C.Q.M. who will please communicate with Major Lacey in regard to the matter enquired about. | Lynchburg, Va May 18th 1869. States that his pay has been stopped because he did not render certain reports previous to December 1865.: that these reports were made to the Com'r. and by him forwarded to the 3d Auditor that he complied with orders then in existence. |

| May 21st 1869 #64 * | Louisiana Col. E.C. Beman, D.O. 1 enclo Filed. | New Orleans May 17th 1869 States that the building occupied during the year ending May 15th 1869, as Hd Qrs, has been vacated, and Hd Qrs. removed to building on cor St. Charles & Melpomine Sts, which he has leased until Oct 1st at $60 per month. |

| May 24th 1869. #65. | Louisiana E.W. Mason. Supt. of Ed. May 25th Returned E.B p 419 Vol 5. | New Orleans May 17th 1869. Forwards letter of J Chaplin, requesting an appropriation of $500. towards the erection of a building at Pancourtville La. The Baptist Church will furnish a lot of 2 acres and deed the same to Trustees. With recommendation that $300. be appropriated for this purpose. Is assured by the colored people that they will build the house in order that their children may be educated. |

| May 24th 1869 #66 | Louisiana E.W. Mason. Supt. of Ed. see L.B Vol 5. May 24th 69. May 24th Returned to Mr Satchell with letter enclosed. | New Orleans May 17th 1869. Forwards application of Revd. Chas Satchell Pastor Free Bap. Church. New Orleans for aid in building Normal School with Theological Dept. Estimated cost at from $18. to $20,800. will sell their church property valued at $6000. & apply the proceeds to this object  With remark. Cannot endorse this application for the reason there is greater need of cheap school house in the country parishes. |