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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 4th 1869 #1. | North Carolina J.F. Chur. Col. Jany 4th Ret'd If the A.C. of N.C. thinks that more school accommodations are necessary in Raleigh he is authorized to make the Expenditure as requested. | Raleigh Dec 30th 1868. Requests authority to expend $1200. for the erection of a school building for the A.M.A. so that their present building may be devoted to the education of colored Deaf Mutes and Blind. encloses letter of Genl. Ballock C.D.O. relative to the same. | 

| Jany 9th 1869 #2. | North Carolina J.F. Chur. Col. Jany 11th Returned. If the same rooms can be used as offices for claim agents or Asst. Supt of schools the rent can be paid as for Bureau office. | Raleigh Jany 7th 1869. Reports that no cashiers of Freedmens Savings Banks, in that state, have appointments to disburse bounties; and inquires whether rent for offices of branch Banks is to be continued after Jany 1st. |

| Jany 11th 1869. #3. | North Carolina J.F. Chur. Col. Jany 12th Returned with letter of appointment enclosed as requested. | Raleigh Jany 8th 1869. Recommends appointment of W.P. Wetherill as clerk at $100. per month, to date Jany 1st 1869. States that this appointment is suggested by Genl Sewall. Inspector to assist Dr Vogell Asst Sup't of schools. |

| Jany 6th 1869 #4 * | North Carolina State of W.W. Holden, Gov. File. | Raleigh Jany 7th 1869 Forwards petition of the citizens of N.C. praying that Col. J.F. Churr may be retained on duty as A.C. of that state. Cheerfully endorses the petition and trusts that Col. C. may be retained. |

| Jany. 2" 1868 #5 * | North Carolina State of T.R. Caldwell. Lt Gov. 1 enclo File | Raleigh 1869. and Other Republican Members of the Legislature of the state of N. C. praying that Col. J.F. Churr, may be retained on duty as A.C. of that state. |

| Jany 5th 1869 #6 * | Newman J.P. Presd't. Orphan Asylum. Telegram File | New Orleans La. Jany 5th 1869. Inquires whether Com'r. will issue rations for three months |

| Jany 19th 1869. #7 * | North Carolina J.F. Chur. Col Files | Raleigh. Jany 16th 1869. Reports that in accordance with instructions of 23d utl. 700. rations have been purchased and turned over, and that a supply of material for clothing issued to the Orphan Asylum near Wilmington, N.C. States that the supply of rations will be sufficient for the use of the Asylum until 1st prox.' |

| Jany 22d 1869 #8 | North Carolina J.F. Chur. Col. Jany 22d. Referred to C.Q.M. | Raleigh Jany 20th 1869. Inquires whether in transfer of buildings for school purposes to Board of Trustees, there is any objection to one of more not exceeding a minority of the Board being white persons. Recommends that in such cases as school erected at Raleigh for Miss. Martha Mason and the one at High Shoals for Mrs Admiral Wilkes, a white person may represent the interest of those who have hitherto been interested in the welfare of the freedmen. &c &c. |