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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 26th 1869 #9. | North Carolina J.F. Chur. Col | Raleigh. Jany 23rd 1869. In accordance with Circular 10 series of 1868. reports property formerly belonging to the Confederate States, not sold previous to Dec 31st 1868, and now carried on the Bureau returns, &c Jany 26th. Referred to C.Q.M. |    

| Jany 26th 1869. #10. | North Carolina J.F. Chur. Col. | Raleigh Jany 23rd 1869. Requests information as to whether the expenditures for schools purposes are expected to be within the limits of the amt. heretofore allowed, or whether a new quota of funds will be allowed, &c or states that the liabilies now assumed will reach the amt. of this year's appropriation and that it will be impossible to pay the current expenses for the ensuing 6 months, unless an additional amount is appropriated.
Jany 26th  Returned. The school work will be continued until July 1st at least and what funds are necessary to meet expenses. will be furnished on requisitions. |   

| Jany 29th 1869 #11. | North Carolina J.F. Chur. Col. EBp. 283 Vol 5. | Raleigh Jany 27th 1869. Requests such additional authority as will be satisfactory to the various Commissaries of Subsistence, if authority given to teachers by Circular 287. series of 1865. is still in force. |

| Jany 29th 1869. #12. | North Carolina J.F. Chur, Col. 3 encls See L.B. Vol 5. Dec 11th 1868. See H. 61. Jany 29th Returned approved. | Raleigh  Jany 27th 1869. Forwards copy of contract and plan for construction of dormitory fence &c for the Biddle Institute: and desires to know if the same meets the views of the Com'r, and if he shall proceed with the erection of the building. |   

| Feby 1st 1869 #13. | North Carolina J.F. Chur, Col 2 encls Feby 2d  Returned vouchers approved. | Raleigh. Jany 28th 1869. Forwards recommended request of Col Thos P. Johnson for authority for the payment of Wm Pritchard and C.E. Kilmer Clerks for services rendered in the office of C.Q.M. and D.O. for A.C., with remark: The appointments of these two clerks having been revoked Dec 31st 1868. did not consider that he had authority to order payment for work done, which he considered necessary. |    

| Feby 1st 1869. #14. * | North Carolina N.A. Miles, Gen'l. Filed. appt. of Hillebrandt revoked to date Feby 28th 1869. | Raleigh Jany 29th 1869. Requests that Bt. Maj. Andrew Geddis, 1st Lieut and Adjt. 40th Infty be ordered to report to him for assignment to duty in Bureau R.F.&A.L. and that Mr. Hugo Hillibrandt, Asst Supt. Education be relieved from duty in the Bureau. |