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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 25th 1869 #38. * | North Carolina N.A. Miles. Genl. see A.78. E.B p 345. Vol. 5. March 30th Recd. back with report. File. | Raleigh March 23d 1869. Returns letter from Army Hd. Qrs. stating that if Chapl. Geo W Pepper is assigned to duty as Asst. Supt of Schools he will be left out in the consolidation. With recommendation that the assignment be made. The detail of Chap'l Pepper would save his transportation to New Orleans and thence to Wellington, Ohio. His services are required to replace a civilian discharged. |

| April 7th 1869 #39. | Nelson John C. Supt. Boone Co. April 7th Returned. A Superintendent will be retained in Tenn. in charge of school work who will do all in his power to assist the schools in that state. | Kingston Tenn. April 2d 1869. Requests the continuance of the Educational Department of the Bureau in Tenn. as long as Congress will allow, or until the present state School system is in efficient and successful operations. |

| April 8th 1869 #40. | Nevin Alfred Revd. D.D. 1 enclo April 9th Returned. The services of another Superintendent in Va. will not be required. | Philadelphia Pa. April 6th 1869. States that he is to be located at West Point, Va. and that he would be willing to accept the position of Supt of Education for that state, provided the compensation is adequate and the duties not too onerous. |

| April 18th 1869. #41. * | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Ed. Filed. | Raleigh April 16th 1869 States that it is impossible for him to discharge his duties properly without the retention of his two clerks and requests he be allowed to retain them both. |

| April 26th 1869 #42 | North Carolina C.E. Compton. Col E.B p 377. Vol 5. | Raleigh. April 23d 1869. Forwards letter of Capt. Jas McCleery D.O. furnishing an official copy of order relating to commutation of quarters and fuel, and asks certain information in connection therewith. |

| April 26th 1869. #43. | Nichols James see S6. H3. A97. E.B p 378 Vol 5. | Huntsville Ala. April 22d 1869. Requests that the Comr. give due consideration to the application of Mrs Starkweather for funds to rebuild school house near Stevenson, Ala. |

| April 27th 1869 #44. * | North Carolina Jas. McCleery. Capt & D.O. April 28th Forwarded. E.B.p. 380. Vol 5. not sent filed. | Raleigh March 20th 1869. Requests to be relieved from Bureau duty in No. Carolina on the arrival at Louisville, Ky. of the 14th Infty. with which his regiment is to be consolidated. |