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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 12th 1869 #17 * | Post Office Department St. J. B.L. Skinner, 1st Asst P.M.G. File. | Washington March 11th 1869 States that under Pub. Act No. 26 approved March 1dz 1869 requiring written autograph signature upon all matter franked, of the person entitled to exercise such privilages all such matter as cannot be so franked must be prepaid by postage stamps other-wise the same will be held for postage. |

| March 15 1869 #18. | Powell J.S. 1 enclo March 15th Referred to A.C. of Ga. | Augusta Ga. March 10th 1869 Requests appropriation of $2000. for purchase of a furnished building for school purposes. States that there is no cold schools there. |

| March 20th 1869. #19 | President of U.S. O.E. Babcock Genl & Secy. From Secy of War. 1 enclo March 20th Referred to A.C. of Miss. | Washington March 16" 1869 Refers letter of Mrs Wm Hoover of Summit Miss. who applies to have bills paid for keeping negro invalids. |

| April 7th 1869. #20. | President of U. O.E Babcock. Secretary April 7th Referred to A.C. of Ky. May 19th Recd back with report E.B.p. 405. Vol 5. | Washington April 5th 1869 Refers petition of Revd. R. Martin of Frankfort Ky. for aid for colored schools of that city |

| April 9th 1869. #21 | Payne Bishop A.M.E. Church see L.49. 2 enclo April 13th Returned E.B p 363. Vol 5. | Pittsburg Pa. April 7th 1869. Makes statement of the condition of the Wilberforce University of the A.M.E. Church. States that they are at present in debt about $6,000. but have property which they will sell worth $6000. which will liquidate the debt. Asks if Genl Howard will then appropriate $15. or $25.000. to aid in completion of building already commenced. Encloses his address before the College aid Society. |

| April 9th 1869. #22 * | Porter Revd A Toomer. 1 enclo see T 85. April 13th Forwarded. E.B. p. 362 Vol 5. Apl 27th Rec'd. back with rp. File. | Charleston SC. April 6th 1869. States that the Collector of the Port has notified him that the Secy of the Treasury decides to retain the $1500. paid on school building there, and declines to remit the balance of $1000. but required the same to be paid, or the building to be given up by June prox. Appeals to the Comr. for aid and advice to prevent the breaking up of the school |

| April 20th 1869 #23 | Pisani F B G. Teacher April 20th Referred to A.C. of Ky. who will inform the writer that there are and will be no position in this Bureau to which he can be appointed | Louisville Ky. April 15th 1869 States that he has been employed in the Bureau for 3 years, and now asks a better position i.e. to examine teachers and Superintendents of schools. |