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580 581 [[3 columned table]] | When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | | --- | --- | --- | | Jany 12th 1869 #1 | Roots Logan H. Hon. See O.31. Vol 13. See R8 Jany 7th returned E.B.p. 256 Vol 5. | Washington D.C. Jany 4th 1869 Forwards letter of Lt. H Sweeny relative to certain complaints which one Hanly at Helena has made to Comr. regarding him &c States that Lt Sweeny is an upright man and wishes nothing will be construed to a serious defamation of his character. Asks if Comr can say arcomforting word to Sweeney. | |Jany 13th 1869. #2.﹡| Roberts C.R. 2 enclo Jany 13th Referred to C.D.O.| New York Jany 12th 1869. Forwards statement of rations furnished children of Refugees at Asylum at Look out Mountain from Oct 1st. Dec 31st. 1868. amounting to $747.00 which he desires he remitted to him as soon as possible. Letter of transmittal rec'd back Aug 4th/74. W.Y.P.| Jany 13th 1869 #3. ﹡|Roberts C.R. 12 enclos. Jany 15th Referred to C.D.O. Rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. W.Y.P.| New York Jany 14th 1869 Forwards bills amounting to $3000.29, for supplies purchased for partial support of children of Refugees at the school and Asylum at Lookout Mountain.| [3 Columned Table.] |When Received.| Name of Writer.| Date and purport of letter.| |---|---|---| |Jany 23rd. 1869 #4.| Roache Millton A A.A. Surg. U.S.A. See R52. Vol 3. Jany 25th Referred to A.C. of La. for immediate report of the reasons why this account is not paid.m Feby 6th rec'd back with report EBp 297. Vol.5.| Schreveport La. Jany 5th. 1869. Requests that if the accounts of Drs. Callen and Roache be presented for final payment, it be disallowed. he never having received compensation for services rendered the freedmen per acct. of 1867 at Lake Providence. La. though necessary papers were signed and forwarded. Was notified that D.O. of New Orleans was directed to pay the acct. Requests this delay be inquiried into and orders issued for payment of the account.| |Feby 3rd 1869. #5.| Robert Hiram. Mrs. Feby 3rd. Returned. This Bureau has not facilities for granting this request.| Watkins, N.Y. Feby 1st 1869. Desires to obtain a colored firl from 10. to 12. years old.| |Febry 5th 1869 #6.﹡|Roberts C.R. 1 enclo. Febry 5th Referred to C.D.0. Letter or transmittal rec'd back. Aug 4th| 74. W.Y.P.| New York. Feby 11th 1869. Forwards accounts of $100 for rent of Orphan Asylum on Lookout Mountain. Tenn. for 6 months ending Feby 1st 1869.| |March 6 1869 #7. | Remmington J.H. and others. See P.L. B vol 5. March 6 1869. March 6 Forw'd to Committ. of Congress and Freedmen's affairs. Since the 1st of Jany 1869. this Bureau had no legal authority to give relief for the destitute. |Norfolk. Va. Feby 1st 1869. Positions that the Comr establish in Norfolk at soup House- Gives statement of the inability of the freedmen to support their families.|