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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 29 1869 #47 * | Swaim D. G. Major and A.S.C. File. See S.O. 12 Jany 29th 1869. | Washington D.C. Jany 29th 1869 Requests that Bt. Maj. J.M. Brown D.O., be ordered by Baltimore. Md. and returned on public business. |

| Feby 6th 1869 #48. * | Swaim. D.G. Major and A.S.C. 1 enclo see SO 19 Feby 8th 1869. File. | Washington D.C. Feby 3th 1869 Forwards letter of L.E. Sleigh Supt. &c stating that Bureau lumber has been piled on lot of Wm. Alexander, and recommends that a lease of the same be executed, rent to be $3.00 per month. With recommendation that a board be appointed to fix the rental value of the same, to consist of Maj. W.L. Van Derlip. D.O. Geo. L. Marble. and G. Lacombe. |

| Feby 2d 1869 #49. * | Stevens Robert J. Secy. Comtt on Appropriations File. | Washington D.C. Jany 29th 1869. States that the Committee have partially disposed of the Comr's letter of Dec 31st 1868. but desire fuller information regarding some portions of it and advise the Com'r to meet them on Monday or Wednesday session from 10 to 12. AM. |

| Feby 16th 1869 #50 Seeley F. A. D.O. Feby 16 Returned with orders for the journey enclosed requested | St. Louis. Mo. Feby 12th 1869 Requests an order to cover mileage on a journey made from St Louis, Mo. to Kansas City. Kansas and return, also an order to proceed from St Louis to Cairg & Springfield. Ill and return. |

| Feby 15th 1869 #51 | Sawyer Fred'k A Hon U. U. Senator see T 6. 1 enclo Feby 16th Referred to F.C of Tenn. | Washington Feby 13th 1869. Forwards letter of D.H. Phillips, relative to a cistern built by the Bureau for his school at Nashville. Tenn. States that although the cistern is very imperfectly constructed, the contractor insists upon being paid for the construction of the same. That Col Thompson Asst. Comr. of Tenn. does not know what to do under the circumstances. Asks that the same be laid before Genl Howard &c &c |

| Feby 11th 1869 #52 * | Swaim D.G. Bt. Maj. & S.A.C. File see S.O. 21. Feby 11th 1869 | Washington Feby 11th 1869 Forwards request of John Kimball. Supt of Schools for transportation to Baltimore. Md and return on public business |

| Feby 18th 1869 #53. | Sawyer F. H. Hon. U.S. Senator 1 enclo Feby 19th Returned E.B.p 310 Vol 5. | Washington Feby 18th 1869 Recommends suspension of amount due the Govt by Frederick Richards of Charleston S.C., encloses letter of Col Edie refusing suspension. |

| Feby 19th 1869 #54 | South Carolina J.R. Edie. Col Feby 19th Returned with amended letter of revocation to date Jany 31st 1869. | Columbia Feby 4th 1869. Recommends that letter revoking the appointment of Dr. M.K. Hogan be amended so as to take effect Jany 31st 1869 instead of Dec 31. 68. |