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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- | 

| June 24th 69 #127 | Trigg Frank Claim Agent | Washington D.C June 4th 69 Certificate of payment of Special Tax as Claim Agent for year ending May 1st 1840. |

| June 25th '69 #128 * | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt of Ed see LB 201 Vol 13. T 51. 86. E.B.p. 324 Vol 5. Jany 8th 69. L.B Vol 5. July 10 '69. f/w T. 1 Vol. 16 1870 File. Enclosed herewith L 324. Vol 5 See H 136 Vol 4 and copy of letter of Jany 8th 1869 and an extract from E.B.p. 324 Vol 5. EB 442. Vol 5 | Nashville June 21st 69 Requests the Commissioner to withold the appropriation of $2000. for Manual Labor School at Murfreesboro Tenn until he can visit there and report definately upon some infavorable reports concerning said Institution. | 

| June 25th 69 # 129 | Thompson Eliza No 20 Green St June 26th Returned. This Bureau has no power to act in this case. Appeal must be made to the Courts | Louisville Ky June 22nd 69 Forwards Copy of Indenture of apprenticeship. between Lt. Jas H Rice for Bureau and Col R.E. Johnson and Saml T Thompson her son. Also affidavits sworn to by him before F.H. Gibson Notary Public to the effect that she, was not a party to the apprenticeship of her son to said Col R.E. Johnson, that he was taken away against her will |

| June 28th 69 #130 | Treasury Dept E.B. French 2nd Auditor June 29, Referred to Genl G.W. Balloch C.D.O | Washington D.C. June 26th 69 Furnishs list of Notary Publics. noted during the week ending June 26th 1869 |

| June 29th 69 #131 | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt of Ed | Nashville June 24th 69 Forwards Statistical Report of colored schools in the State of Tennessee |

| June 29th 69 #132 * | Texas J. Welch Supt of Ed July 1st Referred to H.M. Whittelsey C.Q.M. for examination Rced back July 2nd EB 446. Vol 5 Rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. W.G.P. | Austin June 21st 69 Forwards & recommends for approval the enclosed contract for repairing School house in the city of Galveston. States that the contract was made in accordance with recommendation of Genl C.H. Howard. and orders of Maj Genl J.J. Reynolds when Asst Commissioner |

| July 1st 69 #133 | Texas Jas. Welch. Supt July 2nd Returned E.B. 446 Vol 5 | Austin June 18th 69 Requests an order to proceed to Boston Mass. to purchase School desks and furniture for the new school houses at Galveston and Houston Texas |