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736 737 [[3 columned table]] | When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | | --- | --- | --- | | April 5th 1869 #45. | Virginia O. Brown Genl. April 8th Referred A.C. of Va. E.B.p. 350 Vol 5. May 1st Rec'd back with report E.B.p. 382. Vol 5. | Richmond April 3d 1869. Requests that the Commanding Officer Co "B" 39th U.S. Infty. furnish written statement of all the facts known to him concerning a kick received by George Martin, who was discharged at Ship Island, on Surgeons certificate Oct 29th 1868. | | April 5th 1869 46. | Virginia O. Brown. Genl. April 10th Referred to C.Q.M. for recommendation | Richmond April 3d 1869. Requests that the following articles of school fundamental purchases March 16th 1869, for Normal School Richmond be transferred to Richmond Educational Association and that Major White drop the same from his returns. 38 Double school desks. 12 Settees, 1 Teachers desk, and 2 Teachers chairs. | | April 5th 1869 47. * | Virginia O. Brown. Genl. 1 enclo Filed See L.B. Vol 5 April | Richmond April 3d 1869. Asks to be retained one month longer. Desires to know if Dr. De Lamater will be continued. Asks litters be sent to Washington, Comd. | | April 13th. 1869 48. | Virginia G. Mallery. Col. See S.O. 54. 5th Apl 13th 1869. April 13th Returned with orders enclosed as requested. | Richmond Va April 11th 1869. Forwards approved request of Surg. J.J. De Lamater C.M.O. to be ordered to Washington to confer with the Comr and C.M.O. With remarks. There deems to be important reasons for detailed instructions which can only be given by a personal interview. | | April 7th 1869 49. * | Virginia O. Brown. Genl. Telegram Filed | Richmond April 6th 1869. States that his appointment as Secretary will not interfere with his Bureau duties. | | April 15th 1869 50. | Virginia G. Mallery. Col, April 15th. Returned approved. | Richmond April 13th. 1869. Forwards approved request of Maj. Geo. Q. White. D.O. for authority to sell at public auction 810 gross of Buttons for which he is accountable States that the buttons have been sold supposing that they were included in list for which authority had already been granted to sell, but which were found omitted. | | April 15 1869. 51. | Virginia G. Mallery. Col. April 15th. Returned with authority for Maj White to visit Washington. D.C. Apl 22d. Recd back E.B.p. 274. Vol 5. | Richmond April 13th 1869. Forwards approved request of Maj G.Q. White D.O. for authority to proceed to Washington to consult with the Ch. Qr. Mr. and D.O. as to the disposal of property for which he is responsible & the closing up of business with his Dept. which he is confident can be done in a more satisfactory manner by a personal interview. With remark. Personal interview would much facilitate the closing of the Bureau. |