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752 753 [[3 columned table]] | When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | | --- | --- | --- | | July 23rd 1869 #105 * | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education File. | Richmond Va. July 22nd. 1869. Forwards letter of W. Gordon Merrick of Scottsville, who states that the school building on his farm will be completed by Octr. 1st. | | July 26th #106. | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. July 27th Referred to C.D.O. for remark. July 29th Recd back E.B. Vol 3. p 475. E.B. Vol 5. p.479. | Richmond Va. July 24th 1869. Requests authority to employ an additional clerk at $80. per. mo. instead of the 10 days per mo. extra clerical service granted him. | | July 27th #107 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. See W. 114. 1 Enclo July 28th Referred to Capt. O.S.B. Wall in connection with pp referred May 31st 1869, for report. Sept 21 Recd back with Rept. EB Vol 5 p 538. | Richmond Va. July 26th 1869. Forwards letter of Miss E.A. Henry of Fairfax Co. & invites attention to Endt. of May 28th 1869. on letter of O.S.B. Wall; requests authority to pay Miss H. the amt. then recommended & also rent from June 1st 1869. at 6.00 per mo. | | July 27th #108 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education. July 27th Referred to J.W. Alvord. | Richmond Va. July 26th 1869. Forwards Schedule of Schools and Rental a/o of Am. Bap. H.M. Soc. for quarter ending June 30/69. | | July 27th #109 | Virginia. R.M. Manly. Sup't. Education July 28th Returned granted from July 1st 1869. July 31st Rcd. back. E.B. Vol 5 p. 478. | Richmond Va. July 26th 1869. Request authority to rent for School purposes, House at Amherst C.H. Va. Rent $10. per mo. | | July 27th #110 | Virginia. R.M. Manly, Supt. Edu. See S.O. 108 July 28th 1869. July 28th Retd. with orders enclosed as requested. | Richmond Va. July 26/69. Requests an order to proceed to Phila. N. York, Boston and Portland to obtain books and teachers for the schools in Va. &c. &c. | | July 29th 1869. #111 | Virginia R.M. Manly. Supt. Education 2 Enclo July 29th E.B. Vol. 5 p 476. | Richmond Va. July 28th 1869. Forwards comm'n. of Alex'r P. Abell, and requests copy of Act of Congress vesting title of Confed. property in this Bu. and also that the Commr. ack. his signature on Encld. Deeds of certain schools in Charlottesville, Va., before a Notary Public, in accordance with the laws of Va. | | July 30th 1869. #112 | Virginia. R.M. Manly, Supt. Education. July 31st. Returned approved. | Richmond Va. July 29th 1869. Requests authority to rent for school purposes. room at Appomattox C.H. from July 1st, house at New Market from Augt. 1st and building at Whiteplains from July 1st at $10. per month each. | | July 31st #113. | Virginia R.M. Manly Supt. Edu. Augt. 2nd Ret'd. approved. The money will be paid as soon as the Trustees are appointed. | Richmond Va. July 30th 1869. Recommends an appro. of $200. to aid in the erection of school building at Lovettsville, Loudon Co. | | July 31st #114 | Virginia R.M. Manly, Supt. Education. Augt. 2nd Returned approved. | Richmond Va. July 30th 1869. Forwards commn. of James H. Patterson calling attention to the condition of school building at that place & requesting an appropriation of $50. for that purpose, and recommends that it be granted. |